Chapter 9

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Boris isn't the one to emerge from the darkness. I'm in shock as I watch my father lean on the cart. His face is beaten and bruised. His arms and legs are chained. I can't see what they're chained to. Half of his body is covered in ink.

"... D-Dad?" I ask.

Dad looks up at me, ashamed of what's he's endured. "I'm so sorry, Heather... I had no choice..."

I reach to my father, holding his cheek with my hand.

A tear runs down his cheek, "She was going to hurt Boris. I couldn't let her do it."

"What did she do to you?"

"It's better that... you.. don't know."

Before I can say anything else, he tells me, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

The very next second, his body is consumed by ink. His body grows twice his size as I begin to recognise the form. It's the form of Bendy; not the Bendy that saved my from the Projectionist. This Bendy looks maimed and much more drippy than the other Bendy.

The Bendy figure grabs the cart and throws it across the room. I tumble out of the cart and roll along the floor about four or five times. When I look up, Bendy is smiling at me. This smile is ten times more horrifying than ever before.

Alice speaks with excitement, "Meet the new and improved Bendy! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! Where's that pathetic abomination who calls himself the Ink Demon, Heather?" She laughs as I look around, like the real Bendy will suddenly run through the walls, "I don't see him coming to your rescue this time! Oh no! There's no escaping this time, Heather! Bendy!"

The maimed Bendy glanced up toward the voice, "Tear that girl apart! Leave nothing behind!"

I dash behind a stack of bags. I see that same machine that created objects from ink. I run to it, turning the wheel until I saw a blunt pipe. I just need some ink. Maybe I could subdue the maimed Bendy and save my dad.

I duck out of the way aas Bendy clumsily lunges at me. I loses his balance and falls to the floor. I pull a handful of ink off the demon's body and shove it into the machine, turning the handle. The machine couldn't be slower when it makes the pipe. I take the pipe and strike the maimed monster in the back. THe demon screams in response. He picks me up and throws me to the side.

I continue to fight him, using this strategy. It's painful, but it's working. Each time I get the chance, I am careful not to hurt my dad. I don't know if it's accurate. My dad appears everywhere in this body.

I think both of us are getting desperate. Bendy lifts carts off the ride track and begins to throw them at me.

I create another pipe and run at him. Bendy lunges at me just as I jump at him. At the last second, the ink moves aside, exposing my father's neck. I lose my balance upon landing and fall to my knees. I sit myself up and look at the pipe. This pipe had a sharp corner.

"No!!!" Alice screams, "No! No! No! Why can't you ever just die?!"

I look up at my dad, the beast figure now gone. Dad turns to me as blood leaks from his neck.

He falls to the floor, lying on his back.

"NO!" I crawl over to my dad and take his hand on mine. He looks at me as tears well up in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Dad." I begin to cry, "I didn't mean to. I-I tried--"

"Heather.." I look down to him. He's smiling, "You've grown so much.."

"But.. you missed it.. You missed everything."

"I know... It's okay... Ever since I came here... I just wanted to get a chance... to see you... just one more time." He reaches up and holds my cheek, "Thank you... Heather... Thank you."

I shake my head as Dad inhales and closes his eyes. The sound of the air leaving his lungs makes me sick in my stomach.

I suddenly hear screaming behind me. I stand and turn to Alice. I recall Joey's story. I know what's coming. I don't move.

Another bad choice.

Alice takes the pipe from my hands and strikes me with it. I feel a sharp pain over my right eye. I stumble away, forgetting to fight back.

That wasn't supposed to happen. Why didn't she die? She was supposed to be killed by a perfect Alice.

Alice grabs my shoulder and forces me to face her again. "How does it feel?" she asks, "Knowing that you just killed your own father? What would your mother think?"

That's more than enough.

I spit in her face and punch her.

Alice and I exchanged punches and kicks. Neither of us are willing to back down. Both of us must be wondering why the other won't just stay down.

I get up for about the eleventh time. For an angel, this girl can really fight. She's much stronger than she looks.

I charge at her, ready to punch her again. But I stop just a yard from her. I feel sick. Not from seeing my father's body; I feel like I'm dying. I bend over and vomit black ink and blood.

Alice backs away in disgust before smiling. She even begins to laugh as I lose the strength to stand.

I can't even ask what's happening through a coughing fit. By stomach begins to throb with a burning pain.

"Do you know what's going on?" she asks in amusement. She gives me a moment to look up at her before she kneels down next to me, "You're dying. It's logical though, considering all that ink you swallowed when my Searchers dragged you into that ink. I'm surprised you lasted this long, though. I thought you'd die sooner."

I can't even sit now. I fall onto my side and look around frantically.

"You know... I've wondered what it's like; dying from poison consumption. I hear it's incredibly painful." She laughs as I groan from the burning feeling. It's spread all around my body now. I can almost feel it in my head. "Well, don't get used to it. You'll be dead soon. At least you should be comforted, knowing that you'll join your father in hell."

I begin to cry. I never wanted any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt Boris. I never meant to cause so much damage. I just came her to say goodbye to my dad. I press my hand against my pocket. The Bendy doll is still sitting there.

She continues on. I don't understand what she's saying as I close my eyes. Everything eventually fades. The pain, the sadness, the noise, the light, the fear... everything.

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