Chapter 8

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"These guys down in the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm stuck cleaning up after 'em!" complains Wally as I record his fifth or sixth audio log, "They kept locking themselves out of their own back room. So I says to 'em, 'Look guys,' I says, 'you're smart, right? Here's an idea!
Why not rig these games up to knock open the door if you win? It'll be fun for you guys, and it saves me the trip down here every day.'
They went for it like a dog to pot roast, I tell ya! If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm outta here!"

I even say it along with him, that last phrase. Almost to the pitch.

So far these audio logs have helped me through this situation. What can possibly stop them from helping now?

I look to the right where I can see a hammer bell game. I'm able to hit the bell on my first try. I don't quite understand why they made this game so easy.

"Tell me," suggests Alice, "Are you having fun? I'm sure Boris and Henry don't mind waiting for their rescue party."

Okay, she knows that this is the only way to get to them. I'm just upset that she'd suggest something so selfish.

I explore the storage room and find an entrance to a haunted house. I see a panel next to the door with four secondary switches and one primary switch. I guess the secondary switches are scattered throughout the storage unit.

I find a knock-over-the-bottles game with three balls sitting on the table. I shrug as I take them and play the game. These carnival games need to be updated. They're too easy.

I move on to the final game. It's a shooting game. I have to hit the targets to help Bendy run across a map. This game takes a couple tries, but I'm able to finish it.

The first door opens and I find a rack with nightmarish Bendy puppets hanging on it. I pull the switch next to the rack. I return to the control panel and flip the first secondary switch before a moving on to the next door.

The second room is built like a well. One floor surrounds the wall, with a flight of stairs leading down to the lower level. I look down to the lower level and see the Butcher Gang gathered around a fire.

The Butcher Gang doesn't have an alliance with Alice, but there's no doubting they'd turn me in to keep her off their backs for a while. They're too strong to fight as a group, and I don't have anything to use as a weapon.

I accidentally knock an empty Bacon Soup can off the railing. It makes a clunking noise as it hits the floor. I lay flat against the floor to hide. I carefully peak over the edge of the floor and see that they've gone to investigate the noise. So that's how I'll get passed them.

I look to my right and see a stack of empty cans. I take them with me and throw one down the hall to the right. As I've hoped, the cartoons stumble toward the noise.

I sneak passed them into the first hall. I see an ink man crying on the other side of a fence-like wall. I want to go and comfort him, but I don't know how to get to the other side. I try to ignore him as I walk passed.

I reach the end of the hall and find a room with blueprints for the haunted house. I find the second switch and pull it down.

I diverse the Butcher Gang toward the stairs and pull the third switch at the end of the second hall. I finally sneak passed them as I return, and hopefully see them for the last time.

I follow the wires to the third switch. I arrive in a large room with carnival props scattered throughout the perimeter. In the center of the room is this ride; sort of like a merry-go-round but with roller coaster cars. I approach a desk with an audio log on it.

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