Chapter 3

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Ethan's POV

My mom stood up giving Grayson a hug, a kiss to her cheek. I followed getting the same in return, Grayson's kiss would always make me blush, usually I would give a shake of the hand to guys and kiss girls on the cheek, but it was different with Grayson

"So as you know Ethan's confirmation is coming up, and you know how much you mean to Ethan and how important you are to us and everything you've done to help, we wanted to come ask you if you'd be willing to be his godfather?" Ending with handing Grayson the bottle of wine in hand and a grateful smile in accompany

"Of course, i'd love to" he breathed out, smile widening as he came up to me giving me a tight love induced hug, smiling into his chest as he kissed the top of my head, "thank you for picking me" he mumbled into my hair

Pulling back we walked back to the couch, the three of us taking a seat, Grayson and I on the three seater and my mom on the love seat beside us as Stacy went to get a couple wine glasses for everyone excluding myself, some water instead


We left at 10:30 ish, it was getting late and I had school tomorrow so we left with a goodbye, a hug, kiss on the cheek and a last thank you from Grayson before taking the short ride home, lying asleep in my bed


Going to school where the same happens as every other day, a quiz in one class, homework for two classes, skipping lunch because, well it's school, and talking with my friends throughout the day

Walking home because my mom works until three and I get out at 1:45, taking my key out and opening the front door, walking up the stairs to my room, slipping off my shoes and laying down on my bed as I leave my phone to charge on the bedside cabinet

I grab the remote turning on my tv, switching to Netflix as I play Planet Earth, watching how the animals live and their way of life, so simple yet weird, can't judge though with how we live and all our problems

Two and a half episodes in of the low narrating voice and the images of animals mating, hunting, living and a couple knocks come from downstairs

Pausing right when this bird was doing a mating dance, springing it's back feathers up, bold colors displayed for the female as it danced around its nest he spent hours making beforehand

I opened the door to Grayson, standing there in some tight black slacks, navy blue suede boots, a white button up and a watch, he works as an intern at the court house which is to help towards his degree in law

"Hey Eth" giving me a hug, a chaste kiss on my right cheek "Kate called to tell me she's working late and she didn't want you by yourself so I came, if that's ok?"

"No yeah it's fine" I smiled as I let him pass, stepping aside as he walks in, toeing off his shoes beside the door, looking down, his butt strong and firm right in front of me, blushing a little as he turns around, looking back up, exhaling out a smile as he looks down at me with a smile of his own and walks to the kitchen

"So how was school?"

"It was ok" sitting down at the island, "Got an A on a test that got passed back today for math"

We kept this up, talking about school, his internship, my party to celebrate the confirmation in a couple weeks

We were sat in the living room continuing planet earth, a pizza Grayson ordered on the table with a glass of water for each of us, we sat close in the dark as we were conflicted between cheering for the predator or the prey

The door opening caught our attention as my mom came inside with a few bags in hand and her purse looped around her right shoulder

"Oh hey you two, still up?"

"It's only 8:00 mom" picking up a bag as Grayson helps with the other

"Well thank you Grayson for staying with Ethan, sorry I had to stay late" giving a solemn look at Ethan as she put away the few groceries she had done

"No problem, it's Ethan, and I should really get going" walking over to Kate giving her a kiss to the cheek as they exchanged a goodbye, holding the side of Ethan's head, leaning down to give a kiss at the top of his head

Slipping on his shoes before opening the door, stepping out as he gives a final smile Ethan's way, closing the door as he heads for his car

"Was school okay?" looking through the fridge for a place for the carton of milk she bought

"Yeah, nothing new" reaching for the top shelf on one of the cabinets to put away the cereal

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