Chapter 1

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Ethan's  POV

It was Sunday and walking into the church to the end of the hallway, all lights turned off being mass starts in an hour, the light from outside shining in through the colored windows, the old wood scent lingered in the air, to the left through a door I went down the stairs to where all the classrooms were located in the basement.

I walked into class and sat down at my "assigned seat", we could sit anywhere but we all had somewhere we regularly sat from day one, we all knew each other relatively well, it was the same people I started church classes with for the most part, a few left and some new ones over the years

The teacher had a dry erase board displayed on one of the couple of walls in the room, pass in your confirmation cards, was written down in big bold font, along with some bible verses and dates of some of the events in the church, some old ones too, scribbled around the perimeter in a black expo marker

I placed down my book, notebook and pencil in a small pile and walked up to the desk, card in hand as I placed it on the small pile already started by the other students

I sat down waiting for the class to start, the teacher stepped out, the rest of the kids sat there talking, some others coming in late and taking their seats

The metal chair beside me screeched as it was pulled out and there sat my cousin Harry, we were the same age, him being a couple months younger, a grade behind and attends a different school

"Hey" he greeted as I replied with a hi, we caught up on the weekly news of our lives, mostly talking about school and what grades we're getting, and how hard certain classes are, but we both still manage to get straight A's beside this one class where we both got a B, his was geometry where mine was a history class, math and science are my best subjects while his were history and english, we were kind of opposites in the academics but besides that we liked most of the same things

"Oh did I tell you about my new boyfriend" Harry asked excitedly, a grin spreading his lips apart as his fingers scrunching in and out around the mechanical pencil in hand

I shook my head with a raised eyebrow, he always forgets to tell me things until way after it's happened, it's annoying but that's Harry

"His names Zayn, we have a couple classes together and he's a junior," Harry was a sophomore while Ethan was a junior, both towards the last couple of months of school until summer vacation

The teacher walked back in before I could ask any questions, wanting to know who this 'Zayn' was, make sure he was right for my Harry, we're very close, we used to hang out every Saturday at each other's houses when we were younger, this lasted a couple years before Harry's mom had her hours changed at work and couldn't pick me up or drop Harry off, we got phones and still kept contact through texts after two or three years, we would still see one another at family parties and holidays, our childhood nostalgia always coming back of playing video games, hide and seek, tag and going to the playground near my house, telling yo mamma jokes as we giggled under the pillow-blanket fort in the living room, but Harry always took forever to write back even though he would always be online on Instagram and posting snaps to his story on Snapchat

The teacher placed a stack of bibles down on her desk, announcing to the class to come up and take one for themselves and a partner to share, not forgetting to notice the stack of cards on her desk, reminding the class to pass up any remaining cards, some coming up to tell her they either forgot to fill it out or left it at home or with their parents, the teacher nodding it off telling them to try and bring it next week, or before mass starts after class if their parents happen to have it with them

She told us to turn to John 11:25-26, testing us to see if we remembered how to use a bible and find the right page, some struggled flipping through the hundreds of pages while others including myself and Harry knew what to do even before I took the class, waiting patiently for everyone to finish, whispers of what page to turn to clouded the room for a couple seconds before everyone was settled in

"Alright, Michael read the first two paragraphs and just go down the line taking turns" she announced as Michael started reading

"Hey so who'd you choose as your sponsor" Harry whispered with a hand on half of the book holding it back from closing as his eyes shifted in my direction, head down to appear following along as I copied his position, leaning down some

"Grayson, my moms friend, remember him..."

"Yeah" he answered after taking in some time in thought "he's the one that got married a couple months ago right, tall fellow, swooped brown hair, tan"

Nodding my head yes as the teacher called the next person off to read

"What about you, who did you choose?"

"Your mom, she didn't tell you?"

"No, when did you ask her?"

"Like, Thursday?"

"Oh, yeah I had to stay after school to make up a test, she must've forgot when she picked me up. But hey doesn't your sponsor have to be married?"

"They made an exception," nodding my head as I ran a hand through my hair


I looked down as the teacher called my name, skimming the lines back and forth frantically as my cheeks reddened "Um, where are we?"


Class ended as Harry and I walked back up the stairs, going to his spot he stayed at waiting for his parents as I waited for mine with him, talking some before his parents came up, standing up as I kissed Anne on her cheek, circling an arm around her waist for a quick hug, giving a shake of the hand to Desmond, greeting them both before excusing myself to my seat more towards the back of the church on the opposite side, waiting for my mom

Godfather-Grethanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن