Chapter Three

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Bucky's P.O.V.

     For about the first two weeks of being upstairs they watched me like a hawk. Except Tyler. She would always smile, but she was quiet unlike everyone else. Everyone tried to get me to talk with them and join in on conversation while I saw Tyler sitting in a chair facing the window while either drinking coffee or reading a book. No one ever seemed to bother her. One day, I decided to ask Steve why that was. 

"Hey Steve, why does no one ever bother Tyler?" I asked him with a confused look on my face. 

Steve gave a sympathetic look and then sighed. " After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tyler lost everything she ever knew. She grew up on base surrounded by thousands of agents and workers. She trained with some of the most elite agents there. Well, when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, Tyler also lost her dad in the process. He might not have been the best dad, but he was her only family. Tyler's dad is actually alive and she knows it, but she's never going to see him again since he's trying to cover up his tracks. So, when she's looking out the window, we all feel she's waiting for the day she'll see him pull up and going racing for the lobby. We just leave her be to think about it and have her hope. " He said with pain in his voice. I felt for Tyler. She lost her whole life in the blink of an eye. 

     I walked over to her in her chair and pulled up another armchair next to hers. I sat down quietly not to disturb her. She looked over at me with a small smile and turned her head back towards the window looking out at the snow covered field.

Tyler's P.O.V. 

     Bucky had pulled a chair over next to me and sat down. I looked at him seeing that he was being quiet not to disturb me. I then noticed something in the corner of my eye. A black car pulling up the drive towards the round-about driveway. I hurriedly grabbed my shoes from the floor putting them on and running to the elevator towards the lobby. I heard everyone's feet behind me. The elevator close as I took it down to the first floor. I ran to the door to see my dad walking through the door.

     I looked at him as he pushed the glasses down off his face.

" Hey kid. " He said with a smile on his face. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

I looked up at him and asked, " What are you doing here? "

" I'm here to be the speaker or director of the Avengers. I needed something to do to pass my time. " He said.

" Did Tony put you up to this?" I asked him while I turned my head to look at Tony. I saw Tony pretend to not be paying attention, but he ended up giving me a smirk. I ran over to him and gave him a hug too.

" Well, now that I'm back, is someone going to show me to my room?" He asked in a stern voice. 

"I've got you Fury. " said Tony motioning for my Dad to follow him. They walked off with each other and seemed to be having a conversation. I looked at Bucky who was off to the side, still standing there, as everyone else was heading back to what they were doing. I walked over to him and smiled up at him. 

" Hey Bucky, ya wanna go play in the snow?" I asked him with a mischievous grin on my face. 

He looked at me suspiciously but then said, " Yeah, but first let's put on more layers. " 

I practically ran to the elevator and waited for Bucky. The whole time we stood in the elevator I was bouncing on the balls of my feet. I ran out of the elevator as soon as it opened and down the hall to my room. I put on a pair of jeans over my leggings and grabbed another pair of socks to put on. I slipped on my UGGS and then grabbed my sweatshirt to put on over my sweater. I grabbed my coat, hat, and gloves then ran out of my room. When I reached the lobby looking like a child who was just told they were having a snow day, I saw Bucky waiting for by the doors. 

"Alright! Let's go! " I said running out the door and immediately slipping on ice. Even through all the padding I was wearing I managed to feel something was wrong when I landed on my right arm. I cried out in pain and felt Bucky next to me. 

"What's wrong?!" Bucky asked looking at me with a worry stricken expression on his face. 

"I think I may have broken my arm. Bucky will you help me inside and take me to Bruce. He'll know what to do. " I said not being able to get up. Bucky picked me up bridal style and carried me to the elevator. 

"Umm...Tyler, what floor is Bruce on?" He asked me looking at me. I giggled to myself and immediately regretted it feeling pain shoot through my body. 

"FRIDAY TAKE US TO BRUCE NOW. " I practically yelled in pain. I saw Bucky became more worried as the elevator began to move. 

We finally reached the floor and walked into Bruce's lab. " Dr. Banner. Tyler fell on some ice and we think she may have broken her arm. " said Bucky whilst he put me down on the examination table. 

" Clumsy Tyler. That's why we never let you outside unless it's on a mission. " said Bruce looking at me with a not so happy expression. 

"Bucky, will you carefully help me take all these layers off so Bruce can look at my arm?" I asked him, as I was about to cry from the pain. Bucky came over and carefully helped me out of my coat. Then he carefully pulled the sleeve of my sweatshirt off and took that off of me. Bruce pushed the sleep of my sweater up to feel around on my arm. 

"FUCK!" I screamed out in pain stardilling Bucky while Bruce didn't even flinch. 

"Well, it's definitely broken. I'm gonna do an x-ray so I know where to place it before I put a cast on you. I'm going to start up the x-ray machine while you pick out what color you want your cast." said Bruce walked into the room adjacent from the examination table I was on. I thought about what color I wanted it, but I had too many colors going through my head. 

"Bucky, what color should I get my cast?" I asked him while looking at him. He seemed to be thinking about it for a second and then looked at my sweater. 

"I think you should get it in baby pink like your sweater, it suits you doll. " He said whilst giving me a small smile. 

I felt myself blush a little at the nickname before Bruce came back to retrieve me for my x-ray.  

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