Chapter 16

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Hiccup's POV

I saw (Y/n) fly in front of Shiverwater, guarding Carl from her attack. It all happened so fast. The next thing I know, I could see her freeze up after Shiverwater attacked her. Carl looked horrified. (Y/n)'s eyes were wide with shock. I stared at her. I could see it now. The dart had gone deep into her side.

"N-no..." I choked out, not able to believe what I was seeing. N-no...oh Thor above this has to be a nightmare... But it wasn't. This was happening. This was real. I couldn't just pinch myself and wake up like all those other nights I had dreamed about losing her. Like all those nights I'd dreamed about losing Toothless or my friends.

I saw her fall. She looked limp and lifeless as she fell off the baby dragon. I couldn't suppress my scream.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Drago laugh to himself, but I didn't care. Toothless roared in her direction, looking shocked and distressed. Then, something happened. Nightshade was diving toward her! She was going to save her! Something had helped her break free from the Alpha! No. Not something. Nightshade saw what happened. She broke free to save her. 

I wanted to run and get to (Y/n), but I couldn't. Nightshade caught (Y/n) and she was able to carry her to safety. I was so worried, but I suppressed it and it was replaced by another feeling. I whipped around to face Drago. I felt anger boiling inside me and Toothless was growling louder than before.

"That's it, Drago. This is over!" I shouted at him. He only grinned at me.

"Or is it?" I noticed the Alpha was looking toward us.

"Oh no..." Before I knew what was happening, an ice blast was heading toward me. I screamed, but then Toothless was above me and everything went black. I knew I was still awake and I wasn't dead, but how? What had just happened? I heard a pounding from something, but I didn't know what it was. Then, I heard what sounded like Toothless getting ready to fire a shot. Everything around me started glowing blue. I felt a blast and suddenly, we were free. Toothless had saved me!

He roared at the Alpha, his body glowing blue. He looked back at him and I smiled at him a little. He leaped up onto some ice and roared at the Alpha again. I couldn't believe it! My pride was immeasurable as I understood what it meant.

"He's challenging the Alpha!" I exclaimed.

"To protect you!" My mother added. Toothless fired at the Alpha again and again. It broke the first icicle he was on, but Toothless landed on another one and kept firing. The Alpha roared in anger. Toothless landed in front of me and my mother, roaring again. Then, the other dragons that had all broken free of the Alpha's control came over to our side to join us. Drago shouted at his Alpha in anger, screaming at it to fight back. I got on Toothless and he ran up onto the icicle again. Drago faced me.

"Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty!" I told him. "Let this end, now."

"NEVER! COME ON!!" The Alpha went to fire again, but Toothless shot first. He wasn't the only one though. All of the dragons bombarded the Alpha with their shots. The Alpha roared in fury at Toothless after the bombardment was over. Toothless roared back and fired one final time. The tusk of the Bewilderbeast broke off. It roared a little, but Toothless roared louder than I had ever heard him roar before.

"The Alpha protects them all." The Bewilderbeast submitted to Toothless before fleeing. I looked at the large rippling water where it had disappeared. Drago never appeared. He chose this path. I reminded myself and Toothless and I went back to the others. All of the dragons landed and Cloudjumper went up to Toothless. Cloudjumper bowed to him as did all the other dragons. He's an Alpha now. I smiled. Toothless roared and all of the dragons joined him. Then, he turned to me. I held his head as he came up to me. "You never cease to amaze me, bud." I told him as he purred and we put our foreheads together. "Thank you." He let out a little bark and started licking me. Everyone around us laughed as I fell over, being attacked by the tongue of my own dragon. "Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" I half laughed half yelled at him.

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