Chapter 5

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It wasn't terribly long before all of you arrived back at Itchy Armpit. You knew that Eret and his men were most likely nearby. Hiccup led the way back to the fort as you all started to search. As expected, it didn't take long to find them again. You, Arrow, and Hiccup spotted the ship heading out. You all began to fly toward it.

"You're sure about this, man?" Arrow asked.

"It'll be fine, Arrow." He assured. You came up next to Hiccup.

"Hiccup," He looked at you. "I know we can do this." You said. He smiled, clearly grateful for your encouragement.

"Thanks." You knew it always made him feel better having your support. You were the person who always had his back. Nothing was going to change that. At least, not if you had anything to say about it. And you knew Hiccup felt the same way.

As the three of you flew down together, it wasn't long before Eret and his men spotted you. They started to attack, trying to capture the three of you. You all headed down, avoiding the nets shot at you. It had been surprisingly easy to dodge them. You landed on the boat and Eret glared at the three of you. 

"And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." He said, his glare turning into a smirk.

"Nope. It's your lucky day." Hiccup replied, stopping Arrow from making Stormfly attack them. "We give up." His said, raising his hands. You were a little surprised, but, even through your confusion and slight concern, you still trusted Hiccup. You knew he had a plan. At least, he always seemed to have one. Whether it was good or not could be questioned, but you decided to go along with it for now. "That's one Night Fury, one Deadly Nadder, one Armor Blade and three of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That oughtta make the boss happy, right?" You followed him to the cage and hopped in, following his lead.

"What are you doing?" Arrow whispered, confused. You had to admit, you were wondering the same thing.

"Toothless, stay. The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble." Nightshade was calm because she knew that Hiccup must've had a plan, just like you, but even she looked slightly confused. Stormfly just kind of sat there and Toothless padded around the cage, also wondering what his rider was up to. The men pointed their weapons at him, startling the Night Fury. Toothless growled in response. "Unless you do that. You know, wooden boat, big ocean. How is your swimming?" Hiccup asked.

"Not good." One of them replied, causing Eret to make a gesture that basically said 'unbelievable'. Hiccup took out his inferno weapon and then put it away.

"Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners." He said, handing it over.

"How is this a plan?" Arrow asked.

"I trust him." You added in.

"It's still okay to have questions." You had to give him that one. What was Hiccup planning?

"Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and..." After the gas spewed out, one of them clicked the light and Hiccup ducked as the explosion went off. Toothless batted at a spark playfully as Hiccup kept talking. "Oh, yeah, there you go! Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragon can be trained, right, bud?"

"Give me that!" Eret growled and threw it out into the ocean. Stormfly chased after it. "What game are you playing?"

"No game. We just want to meet Drago." Stormfly came back with the inferno and Eret took it again, throwing it the other way and sending the dragon after it once again as well. 

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