The Plan

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Jacob's P.O.V

We soon , got kicked out by Deshawn but now it was the hard part . It was the end of the school day & Ray and Prod left Jacob as I had to go and pick up Jordyn . Ugh even saying her name is making me feel queasy. I pulled up in front of the school & there I saw Jordyn by herself standing there pissed .

"Get in the car please"-I said opening the door for you 

"Ugh"-You said rolling your eyes as you got in the car 

"You gonna talk to me ?"-I asked her but she didn't even make eye contact 

"Okay stay mad at me"-I shrugged and pulled off 

"Where was you today huh ? Where did you go because you obviously wasn't at school today"-You said still not making eye contact with Jacob

"I had to handly some business"-I sighed turn the corner 

"I'm so mad at you . I was by myself today "-You said 

"I know and I'll make it up to you but I have a surprise for you tonight"-I fake smiled and she looked at me 

"What is it ?"-You asked

"I can't tell you .. It's a secret"-I said 

"well it better be good because I am mad at you"-You said 

"I hope so"-I sighed 

I drove her to her house then I drove home . I needed to make a plan so that I would still have Jordyn & get Chresanto too without anyone getting hurt & I needed help with that so I called Ray and Prod over and soon they were both here .

"What's up ?"-Ray walked in followed by Prod 

"I need a plan yall to get Chresanto out and still keep Jordyn"-I said 

"You know that Deshawn wants Jordyn by tonight , right ?"-Ray asked 

"Yes I know but I don't wanna loose her or have Chresanto dead . He's my bro"-I said 

"What have you said to her already ?"-Prod asked 

"I said that I am taking her out tonight I said that it was a surprise so she didn't ask anything . Man it makes me sick to my stomach knowing that imma have to actually give Jordyn to Deshawn"-I said balling up my fists 

"Damn man"-Ray said 

"She's already pissed with me bruh"-I said 

"She's gonna hate you forever then"-Prod said 

"Whatever man"-I said 

"Alright . How is the plan gonna start ?"-Ray asked 

"Well ..."- i trailed off 

For about 3 hours, we made a plan and it was soon getting dark . I texted Jordyn to tell her to get ready as I was coming over  soon . Ray and Prod went first as I thought that if they came with me, Jordyn my suspect that something was going on . I sighed and got ready as if I was actually gonna take her out . My stomach tightened as time passed by .

It was now 8.49 pm and I was waiting for Jordyn to come outside . My head was killing me but I composed my self as I saw Jordyn walking out . I forced a fake smile as she opened the car door.

"Hey"-You said 

"Hi"-I sighed 

"What's up with the blind fold ?"-You asked 

You're A Psycho ! (Jacob Perez Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now