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"Sorry but I don't have any brothers or sisters ... Sorry, bye"-You said about to close the door

"Wait ! Wait !"-The girl cried 

"Do you have a necklace that looks something like this ?"-The girll asked pulling out her necklace with a a half heart 

"Yes"-You said pulling out the necklace with a half heart on it too

"Look"-The girl said taking your half and matching it up then flipping it over so you could see the back

"Jordyn & Shyla "

"But this can't be ..."-You said 

"Tell me what you know"-Shyla said

"Both my parents died in a car accident & apparently I don't have any brothers or sisters . I raised myself"-You looked down

"I Can tell you the real story ... If you want"-Shyla said 

"Yes please . Come in"-You said for her to come in

"Thanks"-Shyla sat down

"So please tell me whats going on"-You begged 

"When you was born your father hated you he wanted you killed . He would always argue with mom and mom didn't know what to do anymore she was loosing it so she sent you to an orphanage . Far away, out of the state so that your dad wouldn't ever find you. Mom told the orphanage that when you grew up to tell you that mom and dad died in a car accident just incase if dad found you"-Shyla explained

"Well why did my dad hate me soo much ?"-You asked 

"He said that since you was born mom changed her ways she wouldn't have time for him she would only have time for you"-Shyla said

"Where is he now"-You asked

"In jail"-Shyla said

"What ? Why?"-You asked 

"He started beating on mom so I called the police just in time"-Shyla shook her head

"Anything else you want to tell me ?"-You asked

"We have two different dads and Mom is willing to see you soon"-Shyla said

"What do you mean that we have two different dads & I want to see mom"-You said

"Your father isn't my father . Why father left mom when he found out that mom was pregnant with someone else & great can we go now?"-Shyla asked

"Yeah sure but I gotta text my boyfriend, he said that he was gonna come over after practice"-You said

"Ohh okay"-Shyla said 

You quickly texted Jacob saying that you'd be going out so you would call him when you get back.

"Ready ?"-Shyla asked

"Yeah let's go"-You said grabbing your coat 

Shyla drove you to this huge apartment about 1 hour away from your house .

"We're here"-Shyla said getting out of the car

"Ohh"-You said getting out of the car 

"She's gonna be overwhelmed to see you"-Shyla cheesed as she opened the door 

"Mom, I'm home"-Shayla shouted as she stepped in closing the door behind you 

"Great, Shyla I- Jordyn ?"-Ym said in shock

You're A Psycho ! (Jacob Perez Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now