Chapter 15

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[A/N: I had my fun watching you suffer with that cliffhanger.

So! Everyone put your hands together for CHAPTER 15!!! *Crowd goes wild*]

Detective Octen and his partner, Lieutenant Anderson, did not expect to be staking out a convenient store in the middle of the night.

But they received a tip that the gang responsible for the distribution of drugs in the Brooklyn area had a new courier. The name floating around was Nor, undoubtedly fake but it was all they had on the courier. That night they hoped to learn more, maybe even catch the guy.

The tip also included the pick up sight, it felt too convenient for Octen, but they couldn't just ignore a lead like that.

So, here they were. Watching a convenient store as the rain slowly moved in.

Sitting there in the passenger's seat of the car, the detective almost missed it. The person approaching the store looked normal, but once they got closer they shifted their stance entirely, almost like they were putting on a show.

He watched carefully after that.

The detective watched as the man, who might be this Nor character, entered the building.

He watched as he slowly made his way to the back were the drinks were located and as he walked up one of the aisle towards the front counter grabbing something else along the way.

As he stood at the cash register the view was slightly obstructed by stickers on the window, as well as the man's conveniently placed bag. (A little to convenient if you asked him.)

Octen could've sworn he saw something other than the bought items stuffed into his bag.

It was too suspicious not to look into, plus his hunches on things were usually right. He was sure this was Nor, and he had just started his delivery route.

There were a few protests from his partner as the Detective got out of the car, and despite suggesting the Lieutenant stay he followed along anyways.

They followed a decent distance, their steps shouldn't have been heard under the downpour of the rain but as he watched the suspected Nor slow down to get closer from them, he wondered if they were not nearly as discreet as he thought.

He kept his voice low, it should have been impossible for the man to hear them, but he obviously tensed when his name was mentioned for the second time.

Octen couldn't help but test his theory.

"... He knows we're following, and he's listening. Aren't you Nor?"

With that Nor ran, the Detective took chase.

Nor took a shark right into an alleyway probably trying to lose Octen in the darkness, but this wasn't the first suspect the Detective had to chase after and it certainly won't be the last.

Nor took another sharp turn as he busted through a door into one of the abandoned business building. When Octen followed he was met with pitch darkness as he ran down the tiled hall.

He was able to pull a flashlight out as he spotted the heal of Nor disappear up the stairwell to his left.

He obviously knew the area well since there was no way someone could navigate in complete darkness like that, Octen was at a severe disadvantage. He hiked up the stairs almost three at a time. The suspect turned into the third floor door with a loud shatter of glass as the door's window broke as it banged against the wall.

Making it to the door only moments after, Octen glanced left seeing a dead end then immediately went right as he followed the running footsteps.

Then they suddenly stopped as Octen reached the end of the hall. He froze in his steps as he listened closely for any kind of movement in the abandon building.

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