December 1st

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Tom rolled over in the unfamiliar sheets of his hotel bed, clawing at the mattress blindly searching for his phone. Finding it under the pillow where he'd stashed it after snoozing his alarm for the third time, he screwed one eye shut against the brightness of his screen. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he smiled sleepily as he swiped his thumb across the screen, clearing the alarm notification and revealing the photo of you and Tessa set as the background. You on your side and the little Staffy curled up tight in front of you, you were both sound asleep on the sofa.

Eyes scanning across the screen, Tom smiled wider as he read the date - Saturday 1st December. His last day to work before a whole month off - this time tomorrow, he'd be home. Home in his little corner of London, home with his family, home with you. The happy thought was pushed from his mind, though, when his eyes travelled further up the screen and to the time.

"Shit," he groaned, pulling himself out of bed and resigning himself to forgoing a shower in favour of getting breakfast, cursing himself for sleeping in.


Bundled up under your fluffiest, fleeciest blanket with Tessa at your feet, you flicked through the TV channels as you tried to stay awake until Tom got home. It wasn't even that late, but you were so sleepy and your lids were so heavy, and you're so warm, so comfy, so snuggly- maybe you could just snooze, real quick–

Both yours and Tessa's heads snapped up at the sound of a key in the lock, the front door rattling open. Wrapping the blanket around your shoulders, you got to your feet. Despite the heating having been on for hours, it was cold now you were out of your nest, but the warmth spreading through your chest kind of made up for it. Tessa beat you to him, paws sliding across the laminate floor as she jumped up at Tom in the doorway, her tail wagging so fast you thought she might take off as he crouched down to greet her.

You shuffled across the living room towards him, a smile tugging at your lips. Tom straightened up, and Tessa took this as her cue to investigate his bags, abandoned in the hallway. You could feel the cold December air coming off him when he stepped forwards to meet you halfway across the room, his face pale save his cheeks, flushed pink from the wind.

"Oh my God, you're freezing!"

Tom just laughed as you opened your arms, wrapping your blanket around his shoulders too. You closed your eyes as your noses touched, tilting your head to kiss him softly.

"Missed you," he mumbled against your lips, kissing you again. "So much."

His arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer until you arched your back, curving your body to his as the kiss deepened. Stood in the middle of the living room floor, the blanket around you like a cocoon, you let your bodies do the talking, welcoming him home the best way you knew how. Reluctantly pulling back for breath, you kept your eyes closed as you pressed your foreheads together with a deep, contented sigh.

"Missed you too," you pressed a quick kiss to his cold nose before stepping back, taking the blanket with you back to the sofa.

You settled into the cushions, watching him shrug out of his coat and kick off his shoes before plopping down next to you. Snuggling into his side, you pulled the blanket back over your bodies. Arms around his torso, you rested your head on his shoulder and let your eyes flutter shut as you breathed in deeply. That metallic smell of cold air still lingered on his skin, but underneath that was all Tom, fresh and boyish and yours.

You opened your eyes when you felt his hand on your face, cupping your jaw to tilt your face towards his. This close, his face was a blur, but you could just about make out his smile as he leaned in to connect your lips. No soft kisses now, just deep and passionate and needy. You shifted to straddle him, pulling the blanket up over your shoulders as you went. Arms around his neck, your fingers raked through his hair as his arms encircled your waist, hands dipping under the hem of your hoodie. His cold hands on your back made you jump, squeaking into the kiss in surprise.

"Sorry," he laughed against your skin as he kissed your neck. You melted back into his arms, a sigh transforming into a moan as you ground down onto him instinctively, feeling him hard beneath you. Removing his hands from your hoodie, the pads of his fingers dug into your skin as he squeezed your bum roughly.

"Want you," his voice was rough in your ear, his teeth nipping at your earlobe.

Using your hands in his hair as leverage, you guided his face up to yours.

"You've got me," you breathed against his lips, "always."

You kissed him deeply, pulling his bottom lip between your teeth gently as you pulled away. The blanket still draped over your shoulders, you got to your feet to shuffle out of your pyjama bottoms and underwear, and you couldn't help but chuckle at the sight in front of you. Between travelling and your wandering hands, his hair was a tousled mess. His lids heavy with jetlag and lust, a lazy smile was spread across his face nonetheless. A blush of red was rising up over the neck of his hoodie, your body on top of his warming him up - in more ways than one, his hard cock springing free as he tugged his sweatpants down to his knees.

"Whaaaat?" he whined as you clambored back on top of him, looking up at you through dark lashes.

"Nothing," you smiled, "just, love you."

"Love you too," he sighed, eyes closing and head dropping back against the cushions as you wrapped your hand around his length, pumping gently. "So much."

Honestly, part of you could watch him like this for hours, enjoying all the little grunts and moans you could elicit from him with just your hands. Maybe you could slip off the sofa, down to your knees, and let him fill your mouth– but no, the heat between your legs was throbbing, and you needed this too. Needed to feel close to him, to feel him everywhere.

Soft moans spilled from both your lips as you shifted again and sank down onto him. Savouring the feeling of him filling you completely, you kept still at first. Pulling the blanket back up over your shoulders, Tom cupped your face as he kissed you, soft and slow. Rolling your hips, you slowly started to move as his hands trailed over your shoulders and down your back, pulling your body closer. Hoodie-clad chests pressed flush together, you kept your movements deliberate and slow, savouring every moment. Your lips hardly left his, moaning softly into his mouth each time he rolled his hips up to meet yours, your hands tangling in his hair as his roamed your body.

You buried your face in the crook of his neck as he tucked his hand between your bodies, his thumb working at your clit, desperate to get you there before he fell apart. Your moans in his ear and breath hot on his skin as you came pushed him over the edge, his fingers digging into your muscles as he gripped your hip, curses stuttering from the back of his throat as he let go.

Your chests heaved together as you both caught your breath, nudging the side of his nose with yours and passing breathless kisses between your lips.

"Oh hey," you sat up straighter, smoothing his hair back off his forehead as he raised an eyebrow, questioning your sudden outburst.

"Happy Christmas Eve-eve-eve-eve-eve-eve-eve-eve-eve—"

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