#13 Empire State

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You ran down the steps of the subway and waited for a train. You didn't care where you were going, as long as you could get away from Shawn. You and him had a huge argument just before you ran out of his hotel room and into the cold New York night. You sat in the nearly empty station until a train pulled up. The doors opened and you stepped over the gap and into the car. There was a one person seat by a window, so you sat down there. The doors shut and the train moved away from the platform.

You just sat, replaying all of Shawn's actions and words in your head and thinking about how you reacted.

Once again, he was late to come back to the room. You frowned as the door swung open.

"Baby," he called, "I'm back!"

"Hello Shawn. Glad you decided to finally come."

He looked at you with confusion on his face."What?"

"I came here over Christmas since you're working on your album and all and we have barely spent anytime together. I haven't left this room in two days. There's only so much Animal Planet I can sit through."

He ran his hand over his hair and looked at you.

"I'm sorry I'm trying to have a career and a life."

"That's not what I'm saying.."

"Than what are you saying?" Shawn snapped.

"I just want to actually see you! I didn't realize it was too much to ask!"

"Well don't be so clingy and there won't be an issue." Shawn rolled his eyes and took his jacket off.

"Fine, I'll take my clingy self away from here. Bye Shawn." You said before walking out the door.

This is how you got to the subway at 11:30 at night. The stations passed by and you just stared out. Your phone buzzed once again with a text from Shawn asking where you were. You just ignored it and looked away. The doors opened, and you got off. As you stepped into the station, you realized you were the only person there. You took a seat and cried, letting the tears blur your vision.

"Um, can I help you? Are you ok?"

You looked up to see a man in a jacket and jeans. He had brownish hair and glasses, with a little bit of facial hair.

"Who are you?"

"Detective Messer, NYPD" He showed you his badge and sat down next to you.

"I'm (Y/N), and I'm not ok. I left my hotel after a fight with my-" you hesitated "boyfriend. I honestly don't know where I am, this is one of my first times in New York."

"What hotel?"

"Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan."

"I'll take you back, he's probably worried sick."

"Thank you, honestly, thank you so much." Detecting Messer took you to his car and opened the door, you getting in. He started the car and began the drive through Manhattan.

In the 30 minutes you were in the car, you told the Detective about the fight and he hold you about his family. His wife was also a Detective, and he had a baby girl named Lucy.

Finally, you arrived at the hotel. You thanked Detective Messer for the ride back and sat down outside the hotel. You weren't ready to go in yet. The tears from before started to go again as you thought of the fight again.

You felt warmth go around your shoulders. You looked over to see Shawn putting his coat over your shoulders. You pulled your arms towards your body and looked away from him.

"Please, (Y/N). I know I screwed up, and I'm really sorry, but you can't stay out here anymore. All you have is a sweater." He pleaded to you.

Without saying anything, you stood up and went back inside. You went up to the room with Shawn trailing behind. Once in the room, you got in bed. You went as far away from the opposite side as possible, with your back turned to Shawn. He got in and faced you, trying to get closer but you just inched away. You drifted off, feeling Shawn shift around in the bed.

You woke up around 3:45am. Your sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and t -shirt weren't enough for cold of the hotel room. You pulled the covers up over your head, and in doing so you accidentally bumped Shawn in the arm. You stopped moving so you didn't wake him up. He groaned a little and squinted.

"Are you ok?" He said, his voice groggy.

"No..I'm really cold." You replied as you pulled the covers up more.

He opened his arms and pulled you closer. His arms wrapped around your waist and he layed you on top of him.

You put your ear to his chest and felt his heartbeat and the steady rise of his breathing. Shawn pulled the covers over both of you and kissed the top of your head.

"Better now?"

"Much better." You said with a smile before falling asleep with the boy you were happy to call your boyfriend.


if you know what Detective Messer is from then you are automatically my best friend. anyways love you guys (:

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