#4 Hospital

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Your head buzzed and coldness flooded your body as they wheeled you through the emergency room. You could hear the concerned voice of Shawn on the phone with your parents. He looked down at you and you saw the tears brimming in his eyes. He hung up the phone and stayed close behind you. You let your eyelids flutter shut and fell asleep.

You woke up suddenly, a sore and burning pain in your arm. You looked down to see an IV attached to your arm. A groan escaped your chapped lips and your head fell to the side. Shawn looked up from his phone and quickly came to your side.

"You're awake, are you feeling better? Your mom asked me to call the ambulance when she was getting your dad from work. You have been going downhill since dinner and she didn't want to risk anything."

You just looked up at him. You tried to talk but no voice was coming out. Shawn pulled your hand into his and sat on the bed next to you. He pushed your hair away from your face and squeezed your small hand. You tried to move but you just didn't make the strength, all you wanted was to cuddle with Shawn. He noticed and carefully moved your weak body over in the huge hospital bed. Shawn layed beside you and you rested your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. You were reminded why you had to recover from this flu, you needed to be there for Shawn too, not just stuck in a hospital. He just traced circles on the small of your back and held your other hand and waited for your parents to arrive.

-2 Hours pass-

Your mom and dad peek inside your room to see you and Shawn asleep, this had been the first real rest you had gotten in four days. Your mom smiled and looked up at your father.

"If he is willing to spend the night in a hospital, falling off the side of the bed for my girl, then he is definitely worthy of her." Your dad said quietly as they headed back out into the hall to wait.

Shawn's POV-

I woke up to a nurse tapping me on my side.

"I hate to interrupt but (Y/N) has to have her tests administered."

"It's ok, anything to get my baby better." I said as I slid off the bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and kissed her forehead, feeling the heat from her high fever. I walked into the hall to see her parents waiting.

"Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N), when did you all get here?"

"Just twenty minutes ago, but we didn't want to wake you. This is the first sleep (Y/N) has had in a few days. We just want to thank you for all that you have done for her, staying with her and being exposed to all these sicknesses to make (Y/N) feel better is..incredible. You have our full support." said her father to me.

"Thank you sir-"

"Please, call me (D/N)."

"Thank you (D/N)."

"(Y/L/N)?" said a nurse coming out of her room.

"Yes" said her parents as we walked over to the nurse, "how is she doing?"

"(Y/N) will be back on her feet by the end of the week, she's awake and asking for you all," said the nurse with a smile.

Your POV-

Your limp hands were reached out, reaching for Shawn's warmth. You heard footsteps and felt hands take your cold ones in. Your weak eyes opened to see a tired Shawn looking down at you.

"Your parents are here," Shawn said as he looked to the other side of you. You looked over and saw your parents smiling down at you. Shawn sat on the edge of the bed and he began to talk to your parents, filling them in on what had happened during the last couple hours.

Suddenly, your frail body began to shake with coughs. You couldn't control the coughs meaning you couldn't get air in your lungs. Nurses and doctors rushed to your side and the room went dark.

-Hours later-

The steady sound of your beeping heart monitor woke you up. The room you were in was much bigger, with a window and a couch. The couch had your two parents, leaning on each other and both asleep. Your eyes looked around the room and you didn't see Shawn.

"Mama, where did he go?" you asked. "Mama, where is he?" you said louder as your mother jolted awake.

"ICU only let's family visit." she said as your monitor started to speed up.

"No, mama, I need him. Is he here, did he leave? Where is Shawn? Please bring him back." You said in a medically induced state of fog.

"He went home, but he's back in the hall now, waiting until you can see him again."

"I need him now, I can't wait." Your entire body shook with tears of anger and pain. "Don't keep him away from me. This isn't fair," you began to sit up, "if he can't be here than I won't be here. I love him and I need him with me."

Your moms eyes widened at your words and she went to the hall, her voices mixing with a women's. Two minutes later, Shawn was back in the room. His hair was spiked up and messed up all over. He had on dark grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
He slid back in the bed and you got into the same position as earlier, except this time, he said, "I love you too" before you drifted off.

-Two days later-

Since the doctors let Shawn be around, your health increased immediately. Making you sad and keeping you alone wasn't helping anything and Shawn being there didn't affect the doctors. Within a week, you were out of the hospital and back to your silly self. The only thing that had changed was that you and Shawn officially loved each other, but who needed words to show it.

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