Chapter 42

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Chapter 42





"What are we waiting for?" I ask and Drake rumbles, echoing my boredom.

A few shadowed heads turn to survey us suspiciously, and though it is in my instinct to shy away from the gazes of such terrible people, Drake's skin is hot against my shoulder where we lean together, and for the first time in my life, I feel powerful.

It helps that Geraint has propped himself up beside me, folding his arms casually across his chest. I'm not sure when him touching Drake started being alright, but it doesn't feel wrong and we've been standing a while now; my feet are starting to ache.

"Most of them are waiting 'til sundown," he says. "The city's built on two sides of a magical veil; upper on top and lower through the other side. I doubt many of these have the permits to stay up here, so they're waiting until the sun sets; the veil will activate and pull them all through to where they belong. Me, I'm on a duality permit, so I've got access to everywhere. At the moment we're just waiting for this place to clear so I can make it to the palace without having to push through." He sighs, "Unfortunately, the Mirror City is all about effect."

"What about me?" I ask, suddenly nervous.

Geraint turns his head, and even through the hood I can see the question on his face. I shrug pointedly even though Ella's eyes are focused on the people around us, not me.

"You haven't been here before..." he says, tongue moving slowly over the words as their meaning hits him, "... you've got no permit..."

"You know, I was thinking more that the whole impervious to magic thing would be the issue. Your veil's not going to touch me."

Geraint continues to look blankly over my left shoulder, which isn't bad considering Ella still hasn't turned to look my way.

And then he laughs.

"Oh I told you," he says, "I told you; you're in for a surprise, girl."


"The Mirror city works on dragon magic, Kia, it's a place for dragons."


"So - how do you think Drake managed to connect himself to you without magic? You're unable to use magic, in the human sense, and you're unable to be touched by magic, in the human sense. But dragon magic goes straight for the strongest source." Ella flicks her gaze briefly in my direction so that Geraint is able to prod my chest without missing. "It's all still in there, Kia. We can see it. And the Mirror City can use it."

"Don't call me Kia," I grumble, rubbing away the sting of his finger.

Geraint ignores my complaint, as usual, and continues to chuckle.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he says.

I pull a face, knowing full well that he cannot see it.

"And after you've finished being all high and mighty with the emperor, are you going to come find Drake and I amongst the rest of the 'lowly common muck', or are you just going to leave us there?"

He curses, spitting frustration across the word.

"Yes," I say, "I thought so."

"You need a permit," he says, and Ella finally turns so that he can see my expression.

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