Cassius Kumar

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Trigger warnings: Mentions of rape, sexual assault, homophobia, suicide

My comments will be in bold.

Please make sure you advise by the triggers, I would skip this chapter altogether if you are affected by anything mentioned above because it goes real dark real fast.

Fandom: Original. It follows a group of agents in Skotos, a village mostly populated with people who have been wronged by humanity. (It has become a haven for those types of people after people discovering it by pure luck + technology). One day, while Skotos agents were doing their thing (school and house visits, assemblies, online posting, whipping out bells and shouting, etc) and trying (keyword: trying) to educate people about the horrible things they were doing and why they should stop it, they discovered this organization about the Angels. (They were trying to convince everyone to stop what they were doing, but most of them refused to listen and called the agents names. One of the agents found out that the treatment was because of an organization called the Angels through questioning various of the villagers. The Angels apparently originated from the internet and formed an organization about their beliefs over time). The Angels were trying to promote humanity's sick things by saying that the victims deserved to be mistreated and even insisted that not only that humanity should not show pity for the victims, but they should also even treat the victims more harshly. To counter this, the head elder of Skotos formed a team of Skotos agents to shut down the Angels (AKA kill all of them since none of them could listen to reason and almost everyone had been brainwashed by their propaganda), but the Angels wiped them out. This continued down the line, through generation and generation and the story takes place where "Squad I" is sent out to hopefully stop the Angels. My OC is in Squad I.

A little confusing to read but the whole concept seems pretty interesting, it would be rather intriguing to see how people who were wronged by humanity get along. And being brainwashed by propaganda is always an interesting concept. 

Name: Cassius Kumar

Gender: Male (Pronouns: It)

(I'm using he/him throughout the review as the creator uses he/him not it when referring to Cassius)

Age: 22

Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic

Appearance: He has light brown skin, sable hair, and sapphire-blue eyes. He has some acne on his forehead, though some of it is hidden by his bangs. He also has wrinkles on his forehead and his hands. He is 5'11 and weighs 120 lbs (he's supposed to be underweight) He wears a long-sleeved black shirt with black pants and black leather shoes. His cloak can somewhat be compared to that of a nun's dress, except that it is halfway cut open in the front, and he, of course, doesn't wear a veil. (He's a priest of a made-up religion). 

Occupation: Skotos agent/advocate, being the High Priest of the Babonian religion (it's a made up religion) Rad, I really enjoy reading about religions people make as its so interesting to see how people combine their own experiences with religion to make something new.

*Rapist, suicide mention* Personality: He is very shrewd and calm (most of the time), and oftentimes thinks before he acts/speaks. Because of his past, he enjoys manipulating the situation since it makes him feel like he's in control. Due to his shrunken amygdala, he doesn't show much emotion Oh that's interesting, I haven't seen people use brain talk to explain personality points. It's a cool insight! (hence social emotions that include but are not limited to guilt, shame, embarrassment are not present). He also has enormous amount of cowardice and the low self-esteem he has. However, although he enjoys using the situation to his advantage even if it costs a few lives in the process, please note that he does not take pleasure in anyone's death (except his rapist). After all, major problems can't be solved without bloodshed. He also likes to complain about what's wrong about the world and himself, which was something he picked up after he was banished from Angeli. He doesn't think it'll do anything- he just does it to lower his ego. That's only his exterior though- on the inside, he's actually a very confused person who is drenched in sorrow every day and whose only driving point is the murder of his rapist. (At the beginning, he plans to suicide after he kills his rapist because he's tired of the world he lives in and he wants to be reunited with his loved ones if possible). He... doesn't seem like a very fun character to read, there seems to be an abundance of negative traits rather than a healthy balance of positive and negative. Its kind of a downer to read a downer character ya know. Though it would be a nice read to see how he overcomes all these traits and maybe develop into a more courageous character.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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