Clover Smith

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All my comments will be in bold!

Trigger warnings: sexual assault

[I just got into Harry Potter so please don't hate on me for being inexperienced. Rather, tell me what I can correct. Give me feedback and advice, and politely correct any mistakes I made. Please and thank you!]

Don't worry no hate here! I haven't read the books in a while so feel free to call me out if I misunderstand any information.

[Another note: I made this Harry Potter to fit into 2018. I thought it'd be very interesting to see a present day Hogwarts]


Name: Clover Smith

Also Known As: Little flower [only said by James]

Titles: Flower Child

Age: 15

Birthday: June 24, 2003

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Nationality: American

Species: Half Muggle

Blood Type: B-

I love when people put the blood type in because its so cool for me to see that they REALLY thought this character out, down to the blood.

Sex: Female

Past/Bio: Clover was born to an British muggle named Henry Smith and an American witch named Lilac Smith in the hurried city of New York. After reaching the age of 10 years old Leoni's family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Ilvermorny, the American school for witches and wizards. Her life was relatively smooth, often spending time with her father while her mother went to work for her Uncle John as a housemaid. Her aunt and uncle were both pure bloods, and paid Lilac in galleons (14 galleons an hour) while Henry got paid in muggle currency. Lilac saved the galleons for Clover's future in witchcraft and used the muggle money whenever she could (Clover keeps a box of muggle money under her bed for emergencies).When Clover became 11 and started Ilvermorny, she was sorted into Pukwudgie and mostly kept to herself and her studies. Though over the summer, while doing yard work at her Uncle John's, her mother was bitten by a rattlesnake and sadly died (thus creating a fear of snakes). Oh dang, this is a rather believable death for a parent, its kind of rare that snakes bites actually kill people because they do get treatment in time so make sure there is a reason why she didn't get treated in time. After the death of her mother, her father had no idea how to raise a young witch, but didn't want to give Clover over to her rather snobby Aunt and Uncle since he'd loved her too much and didn't want to be alone. Instead, he moved in with his distant, yet wizard, cousin Jacob in Hogsmeade. There, she was admitted into Hogwarts as a second year and started after summer ended. This is really interesting, I don't think I've seen a Harry Potter oc that transferred from one school to Hogwarts. There's a lot of fun things you can do with that concept. There she was sorted into Ravenclaw and met Stephen when he was assigned to show her around. He was rather moody but she found him amusing and they seem to be best friends. She also met a Hufflepuff named James, who happened to be in her classes. He played Quidditch mostly, and is very kind and generous to her. During her time at Hogwarts she met a Gryffindor named Melany. Melany is top of her class and often competes with Clover over who's the smartest is. Melany and Clover always try to one up each other which often leads to trouble. One time it escalated to a physical fight [Melany started it, Clover finished it], where both were suspended for 3 days. Oh, that's pretty interesting, I wonder how her dad reacted? This is again a really cool concept that could have a pretty nice payoff as well.

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