1. To Start Anew

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Yu Zeng stared at the ceiling, he could hear the pitter-patter of raindrops outside. He shifted his attention to the window and saw that he could no longer see the bright sky.

A week passed after I woke up from that bittersweet dream but I still couldn't believe that everything I experienced and the people I met were just thoughts I created in my sleep. He thought and closed his eyes.

He had woken up just when he already sort out his feelings for Dong Fang and he needed to face reality once again. He wanted to go back but he couldn't. He wanted to look back but he only knew it would hurt him even more.
I just have to be strong. I'm no longer Yu Zeng. Jun Min thought while wiping the table inside the restaurant he was working. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice a customer walking toward his direction holding a cup of coffee. Fortunately, the customer was fast enough to avoid him, or else the cup she was holding would end up on the floor.

"Watch your step, will you?" The customer said coldly, her emerald eyes glared at him. Her voice was soft and low but it was noticed by the people around who stole glances at them. The other staff who saw what happened looked at Jun Min worriedly.

"I'm really---" Jun Min wasn't able to continue what he was about to say when he saw the face of the person in front of him. "Mei Shu?" He suddenly blurted out.

"How did you know my name?" Mei Shu walked towards the nearest table near them to place her things. Jun Min wanted to help her but she ignored him.

Did I say that out loud? "Oh! I saw your nameplate." Jun Min laughed awkwardly. What a lame excuse! It looks like I am hitting on her.

Mei Shu rolled her eyes while trying to cover her nameplate with her long black hair. She sat on the chair and ignored Jun Min's presence while taking out a magazine from her bag.

Jun Min slightly bowed before leaving Mei Shu. Just then, he saw their manager walking towards him.

Is he going to scold me for what happened earlier? Did he see that? Jun Min took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"Can we talk?" His manager spoke and led him towards the staff quarters. Jun Min nervously followed their manager.

Jun Min just stood and waited for his manager's scolding. He was standing two steps away from him and he could see that their manager was holding a white folder with documents inside. "I have noticed that you haven't submitted all the requirements you needed to submit." His manager expressionlessly said without looking at him.

"Yes. I will submit the remaining requirements after my shift, sir." Jun Min said to their manager. He remembered that he left the requirements he needed to submit at home.

"Very well, just submit them directly to the main office, and please don't flirt with customers." Their manager didn't wait for his response and walked out of the room.

I was not flirting ah. Jun Min breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. It was almost the end of his shift. He went back to work and cleaned some tables. He tried to stay away from Mei Shu's table to avoid trouble.

After his shift, he went to the staff quarters to get his things. When he went out, he saw Mei Shu who had a faint blush on her cheeks while looking at a magazine and an untouched food in front of her.

She really looks like the Mei Shu in the book ah. Jun Min thought and went out of the restaurant. He checked the time in his wristwatch and smiled upon knowing that he still had an hour before noon.

He decided to go home to get the requirements to be submitted to the main office. Jun Min inhaled the air while looking at the beautiful trees along the street. Just then, he recalled the place in the novel which was full of lush trees and he wanted to go back to his dream but he knew he couldn't.

He looked up to the sky and slightly furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed the dark clouds. Why does it have to be cloudy at this time? I hope it won't rain. I don't have an umbrella with me. No interspacial ring this time. Jun Min looked at his hands and reminisced the time in his dream when he was in Yu Zeng's body and could control the water element. He could easily control the water droplets around him.

How could I have such power? It only proves that nothing in my dream is real and that includes the people I met there. He sadly thought and felt a pang of pain in his chest but he tried to ignore it. He continued looking around and saw that there were a few people in the street.

He was a few steps away from the building where the main office of the restaurant he was working was located when he passed by a parking area and noticed a shiny blue car parked in there. The color of the car reminded him not only of the water element but also of someone from his dream who could summon a blue flame.

He walked towards the car and glanced at the car's tinted window; he momentarily stopped when he saw his reflection. He moved closer towards the car's window and stared at his face. Really different from Yu Zeng's handsome face, ah but some people said that I'm cute. Jun Min smiled at his own reflection and moved away from the car's window. I look so suspicious ah. I better leave this place, someone might report me.

Jun Min headed towards the nearby building. Just as he was about to enter the building the blue car's window slowly opened and a handsome man smirked while holding his phone. His golden eyes followed Jun Min as he entered the building before starting the car and drove away from the place.
Although the main office is near where I live, I don't usually come here. I have always been passing it on my way home. Before entering the building, he looked around and his eyes widened in shock when he saw the blue car similar to what he saw earlier leaving the place. Don't tell me, that was the car I was looking at a while ago? there was someone inside? I hope none...Oh well! There are many blue cars in the world. Jun Min lightly gripped the brown envelope in his hand and tried to forget about it and entered the building.

There were a few people in the lobby of the building. He immediately walked toward the front desk. He was about to give his remaining requirements to be submitted when he heard a familiar voice behind him, a voice he thought he would never hear again.

(... to be continued.)


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