50+ READS!!!!!!

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OMG!!!  this is sooooooooo amazing!!!  I've got 50+ reads!!  this is so exiting because when I started I didn't think that that many people would read it.  but then you all so much if you have been reading,  commenting,  voting and following!! I don't really mind if you don't but it brings  a smile on my face if you do!!!!!  anyways thank you so so so so much and this does not count as a chapter so I will still be adding both of them today, plus I've for the first one done and ready to go, bht I'm putting it up later so u have to wait a bit longer. I'm sorry about that but I've set my self time:  the first one between 10 and 11 am and the second one between 2 and 3pm!! society if you don't like waiting but that is howitzers is going g to be now!!

anyways,  that's I really wanted to say so thank you so much and....

bbbbbyyyyyyreeeeeeee ma roonies!!! (I explain changing the name in the next chapter!) luv yah!! xxxxx

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