Decisions to make

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The cold wind Blew like it did every morning as I made my way down to the local Bakery to grab a hot Chocolate. By now I'm quite used to the cold Winter weather of London and how unpredictable it is not knowing if you are going to wake up to Thunder storms or Rain, but I guess that's what I love about it, i love waking up and not knowing how the weather was going to effect my Day.

" Lucy, i got you coffee" I yelled entering the flat I share with my best friend Lucy, we've only been living over here since the start of 2013 after we finally graduated Year 12 and could finally leave our past lives in Sydney Australia behind. Lucy was offered a job and since her Parents are rich they already had an apartment waiting over here for her, the only thing she needed was a room mate she could trust while she got settled in London. I'm not planing on living over here, I'm just here while she got settled and helping her create her new Life in London.

Unlike Lucy who has her whole life already Planned out, I have no idea what I want to do with mine and where i want to be in a few years, You see I'm not smart and determined like others who cant wait to start University, to be Honest I cant think of anything worse than doing another 3 years of Education straight after finishing Year 12, I want to explore the world and experience things I've never even seen before, I want to be inspired and see countries that are going to leave distinctive memories in my head that won't fade as I grow up, so thats why I'm in London Im trying to get inspiration to take home.

" Thank you so much" she said smiling taking the coffee from my hands as her Date from last night said his goodbyes and left. I have no idea how she manages to meet so many good looking guys and convince them to come home with her, I swear she has had about 10 different guys in her room and we've only been here for nearly two months, it seems while I'm off taking pictures and painiting Abstract Artworks, Lucy is busy eyeing out her next Date.

I'm probably just jealous of her, becuase truthfully I would do anything for guys to notice me like they notice her, or have the courage and confidence to talk to guys like she does, but it seems I'm not ready for that quite just yet and need more time working on myself before I can put my heart out there knowing its most likely to get broken.

" Luke called and said they're coming over for a bit and will be here soon" she continued while trying to clean the mess she and her friend made last night. Quickly running into the kitchen I start to clean the house up knowing that when Luke says they'll be here soon, he actaully means they'll be here any seocnd now.

Luckily I know Luke and the other guys from 5SOS pretty well because within seconds Lucy is running back to her bedroom not wanting them to see her in just a shirt while I go and answer the door and get greeted by 4 caring and rouldy teenage boys who seem like they havent had a break for weeks.

I guess you wondering how I know the boys, and if we are as close as how we act towards each other. You see I have been best Friends with Ashton my whole high school life since we met in year 8, it didnt matter if he lived over in the west he would travel nearly all day just to hang out. A lot of people think we have something romantically going on since we are so close and drawn to each other , but I swear I have never ever been sexual with Ashton, Yes he might know every little detail about me, but he has never seen me in that way.

" So it must feel good to be back over here" I said smiling knowing how much they miss london whenever they have to leave, in a lot of ways they are like me, as much as we all love Sydney Australia, we just knew it was time to get out of our bubbles and to explore what the world has to offer.

" Yeah it is but we won't be here for long " Ashton smiled as Calum and luke began arguing over the last Tim Tam. I am quite devastated to hear that they won't be here for long because I know as soon as they leave before I know it I will be back in Sydney and will hardly ever see them, but as much it hurts I have to still be there number one fan and I'm so proud of them seeing how far they have come. I remember when I first met the other guys right after Ashton became part of the group, it literally took weeks and weeks to actually get them to start getting along and becoming friends, but in the end it all seems to work out.

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