The start of something wonderful

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They say nobody can go back and start a new Begining, but anyone can start today and create a new Ending that they can be proud of, and that's exactly what Laura decided to do after graduating year 12.

She knew fo her to be able to reach up for the new, she had to let go of the old. That was lies behind her is not nearly as important as what lies in front of her.Everything she has been through was preparation for where she is right now.

Deciding to go live over in london for a couple of months with her best friend Lucy was her way of trying to figure out where she belongs and what she wants to do with her life, but when she becomes part of the 5SOS family while they're opening for One direction will this be the opportunity for her to leave all the pain and insecurities behind and be the strong, confident Woman she has always wanted to be and be the woman she can be proud of.

Or will becoming close friends with a certain Harry Styles and the pressure to be perfect all the time be to much for her and will she let her past full of pain takeover her hope for a better Future?

This is a harry styles love story with close friendship with 5SOS centering around 2013, try to be as accurate with dates etc :)

Enjoy :)

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