Carnavals and Cotton Candy

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The Gotham Carnival, the one place which was both fun and scary. Children running around, teenagers going on the many questionable rides, and adults who were forced to be there by said children. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince were walking around the clearing. Diana was mesmerized by all the lights, rides, food, games, and people. Her eyes bright with both joy and excitement. Bruce, however in very Batman fashion, was on the look out for anything suspicious.

Suddenly Diana squealed and ran to a little kiosk which sold Cotton Candy. Bruce rolled his eyes slightly but still found her excitement for Man's World things cute. Putting his hands in his coat's pockets, he followed her with a small smile. Once he was beside her, she grabbed his arm and met his eyes. "What's this?"

Before Bruce replied, he purchased two of the sugary pink candy. Handing her one he answered, "This is cotton candy, Princess."

She looked at the candy then at him then back at the candy. Slowly she took a piece in between her fingers and gave him a confused look, "So, we eat this?" Bruce smiled softly at her and took a huge bite out of his, enjoying the sugary sweetness in his mouth. He would never admit he was enjoying himself, not even under torture. He nodded, "It's cotton candy. Yes, we eat it." He explained after swallowing.

Diana looked at the piece she was holding in one hand, "It's pink and extremely fluffy and sticky." She observed as if this were clues to solve a murder mystery. Bruce chuckled lightly, "I know, Princess."

Slowly as if it was going to attack her, she placed the piece of candy in her mouth and her eyes narrowed in concentration. Suddenly her eyes widen in shock, "It disappeared!" She exclaimed in disbelief and shook her head trying to process what had just happened.

"It dissolves, Diana."

Diana met his eyes and almost yelled her next words, "What kind of magic is this?!?"

Bruce couldn't help it, he started laughing loudly and wholeheartedly. "It's not..." He trailed off and held his stomach as he continued to laugh. Diana didn't seem to mind him laughing as it was rare that he would loose his composure.

"I love it! We need to get more! Can we bring it home?" She started to ramble as Bruce finally composed himself enough to grab her hand and lead her away from the kiosk. "Alfred will love this."

He led her to one of the games and paid the bored looking guy 5 dollars. He started playing as he answered, "Alfred has already tried Cotton Candy. He likes it but only when he's in the mood." Diana watched as he threw one ball and hit all the bottles, making them fall.

Bruce turned to her with a smile, "What would you like, Princess?" Diana's heart started to beat faster, Bruce rarely smiled to anyone and to know she could make him smile so much warmed her heart. She looked at all the stuffed toys and smirked when she saw a stuffed Batman. She pointed it and looked at Bruce, "I want that one."

Bruce looked at where she was pointing and smirked as well. "As you wish, Princess." He turned his attention to the man in charge. "I would like that one please." He said while pointing. The man grabbed it and gave it to Bruce who in turn gave it to Diana.  She grabbed his hand again and beamed at him. He couldn't help it, he smiled back.

"Would you like to go on the Ferris Wheel?" He asked suddenly, she smirked. "I want to go on everything." She said and started to drag him to a photo booth.

It was going to be a long night for the both of them but Bruce couldn't find it in him to be annoyed about it.

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