Winter Thunderland

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(A surprise is waiting at the end of the chapter)

Lindsey's POV

It's finally Christmas time! It's my favorite time of year because I love the joy and cheerfulness that is spread throughout this time of year. Our house was completely decorated for the season and our house looked great.

"I'm so excited for Christmas." I smiled at my brother.

"I know. I wonder what Santa is going to bring us" Daniel asked me and I giggled.

"Daniel, I know Dad was the one who brought us our presents."

He scoffed. "Way to ruin the spirit."

It was currently 9:00 pm and I clapped my hands. "Christmas is tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed.

My brother chuckled and kissed my head. "Night kiddo."

"Night weirdo!" I twinkled and headed upstairs. I walked down the hallway and into my bedroom and got into my bed.

I checked my phone and saw I got a text from Phoebe. She asked me if I wanted to spend the night and I replied saying yes.

I quickly packed the essentials I needed and informed my brother of my plans. He agreed and I headed out towards the Thunderman's house.


Third Person POV

-One Year Ago-

Max's Dream

Lindsey and her brother Daniel were sitting by the Christmas tree. Lindsey was only thirteen at the time and was wearing her purple glasses.

Lindsey sat there with her head down sulking. Daniel was comforting his little sister and trying to cheer her up.

Two figures popped up in front of the two siblings but they were invisible to them. One of them was Max and the other was The Spirit of Christmas Past.

"Would you stop-" Max paused when he noticed a familiar girl on the couch but slightly smaller. "That's Lindsey. Why'd you bring me here?"

"Just watch." The Spirit told him and let the scene unfold before their eyes.

Lindsey let out a huge sigh and Daniel rubbed her back gently.

"Cheer up, kiddo." Daniel grinned at Lindsey who wasn't phased.

"Why is she so sad?" Max asked and the Spirit gave him a smug look.

"Oh, are you concerned for her?"

Max scoffed but deep down he was really concerned for her. "No."

"I can't." Lindsey sniffed. "Dad's not here with us."

Max felt his heart shatter at the sight but managed to keep a straight face the whole time.

"Linds, you know dad would be here if he could," Daniel told her but she shook her head.

"Than why isn't he?" She asked, feeling tears roll down her face.

"You know why," Daniel replied and she stood up. Lindsey wiped her eyes with her sleeve and for a few seconds made eyes contact with Max. Of course, she couldn't see Max but he could see her. Max's mouth fell open a little and his eyes darkened at the sight of the heartbroken girl.

"Lindsey's father couldn't make it to Christmas that year and it really hurt her." The Spirit informed Max and right then Lindsey walked right through their bodies and into her bedroom.

"I don't think I've ever seen her cry," Max stated and the Spirit shrugged.

"When it comes to her father, she gets emotional."

The Power of Love (Max Thunderman) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now