Haunted Thundermans

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(Skipped Pheebs Will Rock You because I couldn't find a place to put Lindsey. Sorry)
Lindsey's POV

It was Halloween and I was at the Thunderman's house. I was with Phoebe figuring out costume we should wear and Phoebe decided on being a pirate. I chose to be Little Red Riding Hood because I didn't feel like going to the store and buying a new costume.

"Hey, mom, have you seen my black eyeliner?" Phoebe asked her mother as she and I walked down the stairs. "I need it for my Halloween costume."

"You guys are dressing up for Halloween?" Max asked in amusement.

"Yeah, Cherry's having a big bash. I'm sure if you want to come, everyone would not want that." Phoebe told her brother.

"Good. Halloween's lame." Max rolled his eyes. "Begging for candy. Cheesy costumes. Am I right, Colosso?"

I turned my head to find Colosso in a wizard costume. I snickered.

"Oh, yeah, totally lame." He agreed.

"Happy Halloween, guys!" I heard Nora announce from the stairs. We turned to find Nora in a Sushi costume and Billy in a racecar driver costume.

"Oh, hey. A little racecar driver and an adorable little-" Hank glanced at her wife.

"Sushi." She whispered.

"Sushi!" Hank smiled like he knew what she was.

"Thanks to my superspeed, we're gonna rake in candy from all over the world," Billy explained.

"But we're skipping the countries where candy tastes like goat," Nora added.

"Alert! Alert!" The Thunder Monitor announced as the monitor appeared. Super President Kickbutt as on the screen "Emergency transmission from the Hero League!"

"The Hero League?" Hank muttered as he and Barb stood up.

"It's Super President Kickbutt," Barb mumbled as she straightened out her clothes. Phoebe sat down and I stood next to her.

"Thunderman, we have a situation," Kickbutt informed. "The Green Ghoul has escaped."

"The Green Goul? Dad, didn't you throw him in prison?" Max inquired his father.

"You're darn right. Twenty years ago. You wouldn't recognize me. It's before I had kids." Hank sniffled, patting his belly.

"Yeah, because having kids was hard on your hips." Barb scolded, sarcastically. I chuckled.

"This youngster was seen in the area during the escape." Kickbutt began and a hologram of a boy in a pumpkin costume appeared in front of us. "I'm not sure why he's wearing a pumpkin outfit, but maybe he can help. We've tracked his whereabouts to New Orleans."

"New Orleans? The guy is right here" Billy gestured to the hologram of the boy and I rolled my eyes. If only it were that simple.

"You're the only superhero to ever defeat the Green Ghoul. We need you to come out of retirement and do it again." Kickbutt ordered Hank as the hologram disappeared. "We will deliver everything you need."

Suddenly a metal suitcase fell into the house, making another huge hole in the ceiling. We all got startled by the sudden crash.

"Can you tell us when?" Billy asked Kickbutt and we all turned to him.

"Good luck, Thunderman. Super President out!" The Monitor lowered and the call ended.

"Are you gonna do it, dad?" Billy asked his father with hope.

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