Rough Night

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I was sleeping comfortably in my full sized bed that we just bought-- a huge upgrade for the floor, when all of the sudden I see a smiling, black mass looking at me almost twice as big.


My screech made Venom jump up on me and start growling at every little corner of the room --thinking that someone had come inside. It felt like a car had run over me.

"You scared me to death Venom!"

Venom jumped off and looked at me confused as if I said something in Japanese.

"I'm... Sorry..."

Although his face might seem hideous, I couldn't help but feel pity for the poor thing, after all, he didn't really mean it.

"It's okay, Ven. You didn't mean it-"

"Food! We want food!"

Good ol' Venom and his appetite. Always ruining good moments.

"No, we need sleep"

"Food! Or we'll starve!"

"Who told you we would starve?"

"Me! We want food!"



"I need sleep!"



While I struggled to try and get off the bed, Venom decided to make it way more painful for me and push me off, which resulted in my face crashing against the cold floor.

"I want chocolate, Eddie"

I seriously wanted to punch him for asking so much. I tried to rub the sleepiness off my eyes, and the pain of crashing against the floor.

"Yeah yeah."

Trying to not trip over something, I let my feet slowly drag me into the kitchen --the apartment had this cold feeling to it.


"I'm coming, stop whining"

I opened the freezer and took a chocolate bar, I felt Venom as he drooled over me, I felt disgusted as the drool slowly made its way to my neck.

"Gross Venom! Just take the chocolate and stop drooling over me!"

Venom's mouth opened wide as he popped the bar inside his mouth. I gazed at him silently, waiting for him to finish so I could go to bed.

"Why are you staring at me for?"

I realized I had spaced out-- for a moment-- though I'm not sure it would be a good idea to stare at a hungry symbiote.

"Nothing... Can we go to bed now?"

Venom looked at me for a second, then picked me up like if I was some sort of baby and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

"Do I weigh anything to you???"

Venom shook his head and smiled-- at least it looked like-- while placing me on the bed.

"Thanks... I guess"

It felt kind of awkward getting carried by such a big monster, but, I didn't really care, all I wanted was some sleep without getting bothered by an annoying symbiote.

"Do you work tomorrow?"

So weird Venom asking that question, usually, he doesn't care if I work or not.

"No... We are off tomorrow"

Venom pulled over the blanket towards my bare legs and disappeared inside my skin. I cuddled around the pillow and drifted off, hoping I wouldn't wake up till at least 5:00 AM.

--Turns out sleep wasn't my best of a friend.

I turned and turned, trying to get to fall asleep, but no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't drift off. All the sudden movement caused Venom to pop out and give me another heart attack.

"Why are you moving so much? You've been like this since 2:00 AM..."

Venom looked confused as he'll ever be, staring at such movement.

"I just can't fall asleep, that's all"

I'd start to feel a headache, and my eyes were sore. Venom tilted his head as to how tired I looked.

"Poor Eddie, this is the third time this week"

Suddenly, I felt Venom's... goop?...wrap all over my chest, it felt cold and unpleasant. My body started to flinch at every movement-- it wasn't comfortable.

"You'll sleep better, Eddie... I promise, otherwise you'll piss me off"

My eyes began feeling this really heavy force, like if someone was trying to close them for me. All of a sudden, this tiredness crashed over me like a bomb. I drifted off as soon as I blinked. Not even one great sound could wake me out of this one-- if it wasn't a 4,000 to 6,000 hertz sound, of course.

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