Chapter Three

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On the weekends, aurors took shifts. Mary happened to have the evening shift, allowing her to sleep in.

However, Mary didn't catch that much sleep as she still felt guilty after Albus had appeared so emotional the night before. While she knew she was right, the man had so much pain in his face just even talking about it.

Albus has loved Gellert at one point, and he knew that.

Mary got dressed and prepared to head to the office. Not because she had to work, but because she had to get someone from work.

Theseus was lucky enough to choose whichever shift he wanted to weekends. Today he decided he would take a morning shift so he and Andrew could go get drinks later.

However, he was quite confused when Mary walked in. He specifically remembered writing her down for the afternoon shift the entire weekend.

Mary didn't walk up to his desk, but rather to Marilyn's desk. The two women began talking, but Theseus couldn't hear them, leaving him curious.

"Would you like to go get lunch?" Mary asked Marilyn. The receptionist just seemed kind of shocked.

"Pardon?" Marilyn couldn't register what Mary had asked. A woman so sure of herself and high strong was talking to Marilyn, generally a bystander.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go get lunch. You seem very nice, I'd like to get to know you, Marilyn."

Mary just watched as Marilyn quietly smiled.

"I'd love to, Mary. Let me go ask Mister Scamander if it's alright." and she got up and walked over to the man's open office, leaving Mary to just look over. He had already been looking at her, leaving Mary to raise a brow at him.

Then he shook his head and turned his attention to Marilyn.

"Theseus, I hope you don't mind if Mary and I go out to eat before the afternoon shift." she said calmly to her boss.

"While I would prefer my receptionist to stay here..." Theseus looked at Mary who had let her fierce face fall as she looked at the ceiling architecture of the ministry. "I will allow you to go, Marilyn. Have a good time." responded the auror. Marilyn respectfully nodded and grabbed her purse from her desk.

Theseus saw something about that Mary Poppins. She wasn't normal, she possessed some kind of higher power. He couldn't just think for a moment and figure it out, for her personality and presence confused him.

But he would have to save it for another time.

The two women sat across from one another inside The Leaky Cauldron whilst chatting over lunch.

"I'm quite flattered you invited me, Mary. My only question is, why me?" asked the confused receptionist.

Mary wasn't sure if she was bothered by this question.

"Why not you, Marilyn? What gives you any reason to think I wouldn't invite you to lunch?" Mary was genuinely curious as to why her colleague wouldn't expect a nice lunch.

"Well, you're so high strong and confident while I just happen to be the receptionist who is rather shy and doesn't talk often."

Mary felt flattered but bad that the woman really didn't believe herself to be confident.

"You seem quite interesting to me, Marilyn. What did you do before the ministry?" asked Mary. She quietly took a sip of her tea and watched the woman respond.

"Well, I went to Hogwarts, I was in Hufflepuff rather proudly. I was in Theseus' brother, Newt's, year, actually. Then I worked with the ministry as an intern, like a coffee getter. Now I'm the auror office receptionist." explained the woman.

Mary nodded and smiled, not knowing that Theseus had any siblings.

"You're interesting, Marilyn. I think we could even be good friends after a little while." Mary said with a twinkle in her eye.

Marilyn was overjoyed. Mary Poppins, a powerful woman, enjoyed the presence of Marilyn and wanted to be friends.

Marilyn didn't have many friends back in her Hogwarts years.

But now she hoped she had a friend that she would see more than often.

Theseus was preparing to leave for the afternoon shift. The auror was grabbing his coat and slipping his wand into his wand pocket.

He then heard laughter from the door and in came Marilyn and Mary. The two women conversing. Marilyn was giggling while Mary had a close-mouthed smile.

"When did they get chatty? She just got here yesterday." said a confused Andrew. Theseus didn't answer, just observed as Mary settles into her desk.

Her delicacy as she propped her umbrella up, took off her gloves and removed her hat. Her hair was intricately tied into a low bun with a braid around the base of it. An elegant style he had only seen women within families of higher wealth wear.

Theseus began to wonder if she was part of a wealthy family. He didn't recognize the name Poppins, however. He thought about doing some digging, which he should've done before the other hired her.

But that would be borderline invading her privacy, now wouldn't it.

Mary looked at the files on her desk as if they were a bug she was giving the evil eye before she crushed it. She had absolutely no interest in touching those files as all of them had something to do with Albus.

She wanted to visit him, but she knew he was still mad at her. He didn't want to see her.

Mary didn't like to feel like she was wrong. She hardly ever questioned herself, but this time she knew she was wrong for what she did.

Her hands began to shake slightly, leaving Mary to try and calm herself down. She reached for her gloves, but before she could, a figure stood over her.

"During your shift would you mind doing some investigative work on those files right there?" Her rather y'all boss motioned to the files Mary didn't want to look at.

She swallowed a sigh and nodded. "Yes, I'll probably start diving deeper into them, maybe head out to places linked to him."

The woman looked up at him. She had barely noticed that he had large blight blue eyes. She wouldn't admit that they were beautiful.

"Alright. Thank you, Poppins. Have a good day." He waves and walked out towards the elevator lifts as Mary watched him leave.

Her hands were no longer shaking and her heart rate had wound down to a resting rate. Mary stopped reaching for her gloves and returned to her desk where she looked at her quill and parchment paper.

With a log. due sigh, Mary took her quill. She carefully dipped it into the ink as she prepared her paper.

Now to start a letter she knew was necessary.

Dear Albus,

First of all, I apologize for everything I said in my flat last night. I admit I was wrong and hope you can forgive me.

I need your help. The auror office is investigating Gellert. I know you don't like to talk about the subject, Albus. We need the information to stop him so you don't have to. You don't have to do much, just visit some places and say a few things.

Please write me back as soon as possible, maybe come in for tea Monday evening. Seven, perhaps?

Mary P.

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