Chapter 13: Not so unlucky 13

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July 13, 2018. Friday. And Julian is at home alone. She's been forbidden to go out of the house until Monday. She called the office and told them that Julian will be spending quality time with her fiancé.

So, she's on the couch and watching TV while Olivia's in her room. "I'm so bored!" Julian complained making sure Olivia heard it.

"Go do your homework!" the other girl shouted

"I already finished it!" Julian shouted back and went to the kitchen where she thinks Olivia hid her phone

"Looking for something?" asked Olivia while holding the device "You're not going anywhere"

"Oh, come on, it's a Friday and I want to go out"


"But why?"

"Because I said so"

Julian noticed that Olivia was all dressed up "And where are you going?"

"I have a date with Kyle"

"So, you're allowed to go out and I ain't"

"You're finally catching up" said Olivia and messed up Julian hair. Then went to the mirror in the living room and put on her earrings

"If I'm going to be stuck here, can I at least invite a friend?" said Julian looking at Olivia from the mirror

"Sure, as long as it's not Samantha girl" said Olivia and patted Julian cheeks

"You're so mean"

*Knock knock* "Who's that?" asked Olivia while Julian opened the door. Julian's eyes widened when she saw who's at the door "Julian, I said who was it?" asked Olivia and saw a woman.

She has a wavy brown hair, about 5'9 to 6'0 in height, model like body or in other words a goddess "Oh hi!" the girl turned to Olivia "You must be Olivia, I've heard so much about you" the girl hugged her.

"And you are?" Olivia asked

"Samantha" the girl introduced.

Olivia turned to Julian who was shaking her head 'I don't know what she's doing here' she mouthed. "W-what are you doing here, Sam?"

"Well, I got worried. You weren't answering your phone since yesterday"

"Oh" Julian turned to Olivia "My phone was dead"

"Oh, we'll it's a Friday. Wanna go out?" said Sam and turned to Olivia "But seems like you have plans. I'm sorry"

"No, no, no. She's going out with her b—" Olivia covered Julian's mouth

"Yeah, sorry. But, we have plans today" said Olivia

"Oh, how about, tomorrow?" Sam asked

"And tomorrow too" Olivia added

"Oh, well, just text me then when you're free"

"Y-yeah sure" Julian replied

"I'll see you around" said Sam and turned to Olivia "Nice meeting you Olivia" and left.

Olivia turned to Julian "the audacity of that girl to flirt with you in front on my face"

Julian walked away "What's with the attitude, Liv?" she asked weakly

"What? She's flirting with my fiancé!"

Julian tried not to smile because she's secretly liking this side of Olivia. So, she straightened her face "Fiancé? Why are you being like this Liv? You don't even like me. Why are you banning me from seeing other people? I don't do that to you"

Olivia was taken aback, she didn't know what to say. She doesn't even know why she's being like this. Being possessive and jealous. "You're still my fiancé"

"Yes I am. But no one knows that. Like you said you have a boyfriend so, why can't I have one"

"So, you really like that Samantha girl, huh?!"

"What if I do, what are you going to do about it?"

Olivia was taken aback "Y-you do?" she didn't know what to say. She felt this aching feeling inside her like anger mixed with sadness.

"Y-yeah. What if I do?" Julian stuttered

"W-well, g-good for you"


"I-I have to go" said Olivia



"Didn't you say we have plans today?" Julian asked hopefully

"I just said that to... I mean as a joke"

"Ok, I'll call Sam"

"No!" Olivia stopped her

"What now?"

"Fine, I'll cancel"

Julian tried hard to put on a straight face "Great"



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