Chapter 8: Octagon

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After dinner Kyle dropped her off and when she got in, she couldn't see Julian. So, she thought she might have gone to sleep because it's kinda late now.

She decided to start reviewing again because her grades are slipping, and she can't afford another fail. So, she's in the dining room again.

"What did Kyle say to do again in this?" she asked and tried solving the problem.

She crumpled the paper and threw it behind her

"What the hell? How did you get 45?" she said in frustration

She tried the problem again on another paper. She kept trying and she just can't understand it. She kept doing the way Kyle taught her and she keeps getting the wrong answer.

She might have cleared a whole forest with the papers she used. There was literally a pile of paper mountain behind her "I give up" she said defeatedly

"That's an octagon not a hexagon" said someone behind her making her turn and saw Julian holding a piece of crumpled paper. "You're doing the right formula for a hexagon but the problem you're working on is a hexagon. It has 8 sides"

Olivia counted the sides and the girl was right. Now she felt stupid.

Julian came closer and leaned on the table behind her "So, what you have to do is use this formula. 2 open bracket, 1 plus the square root of 2 close bracket then square the value of the side you are given"

While Julian was explaining Olivia was trying to focus but the girls' scent is captivating, and she can feel her warmth on her back.

"Did you get that?" Julian asked

"Uh...uhm. Can you repeat?"

"Sure. So..." Julian took a seat next to her and explained the whole thing again.

After a couple more explanations, she finally got it "Oh, so that's how you do it"

"Yeah. That's why you always have to check you have the right formula" Julian replied. "Should we try another problem?"

It took them until midnight to finally call it a night "Thank you so much. You're such a life saver. When Kyle was explaining it I couldn't understand anything he was saying. He's like do this and then multiply it by that. I just can't"

Julian gave her a small smile "It's no problem at all" and started to make her way upstairs

"Hey" said Olivia making Julian stop from her tracks


" about we grab something to eat before going to sleep"

Julian checked her phone and saw the time "I don't know, we still have classes tomorrow and—"

"Oh, come on, I'm hungry"

"I can just cook for you"

"No but that takes ages. Come on, please?"

Julian knows she can never win against Olivia "Fine. What do you want?"

The following day, they were surprised by a pop quiz. Everyone was not except Olivia and Julian. "Alright class. You have until the end of the lesson to finish your work" the teacher told her class.

Throughout the quiz Olivia kept going back to what Julian told her yesterday 'always have to check you have the right formula'

'Ok so, there's 7 sides. So, that's a heptagon? Or is it hexagon? Think Liv, what did Julian say?'

Then she remembered Julian say something 'Hexagon has 6 sides, it has an x on the name like six. The other is heptagon'

'Ok, this one has 7 sides so, it's a heptagon. So, I'll use this formula' she started to solve all of the problems thinking about her tutor session with Julian.

"Shit!" shouted Stephanie when they got out of the classroom making everyone on the hallway look at them. But she didn't care. "That teacher is a bi—" she stopped when saw Ms Evans exit her classroom "the best teacher ever"

"I failed that one so bad" Andrei complained

"I swear I don't get maths. We won't even use it" said Stephanie

"I'm lucky if I get a D in that test"

They turned to Olivia "How did you do?" Andrei asked

"I think I did alright. I'm not sure about some of my answers but I think I got most of it right" Olivia replied

"Since when did you become good at maths?" Stephanie asked her friend

Olivia thought about her lessons with Julian "I think I just have a good tutor"

"Aww! Babe. There's no need to thank me. You did all the work" said Kyle beside her and kissed her in the forehead "I'm so proud of you"

She forced a smile "Yeah" she said softly and noticed Julian walk pass by them and put on her earphones.

"So, guys why don't we go out?" Jaycee suggested

"I'm down" replied Kyle. Olivia was still staring at the way Julian went. "Hey babe? Are you coming?" he asked

"Coming where?"

"We're going out tonight, you down?"


"Come on, Liv. It's going to be fun" said Andrei

"Yeah, sure" 

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