Sleeping With Sirens

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Guess what.

This book still exists!

And this time, it's a really long chapter. Like, over 3500 words.

HOWEVER, since it's so long, and because I have other things to do with my time, I didn't edit it as much as I sometimes do. So it might not... flow as much as I'd have liked.

And I do plan to update more often than I have been. I have several ideas that I'd been lacking, so yay. Updates.


The total silence of the night filled the darkened museum, settling over the lightless exhibits and lifeless cases. Even the air was still as the night watchman shined his flashlight around the quiet glass, gems, ancient artifacts, and jewelry. His muffled footsteps were the sole noise penetrating the soundless void.

He passed the Ancient Egypt exhibit, noting that everything he passed was in its proper place. Rome and Greece were the same, and so were the Renaissance and Victorian England. All was quiet, and all signs pointed to the night being just like any other quiet time.

He didn't hear the thief drop to the floor in the room just behind him.

The dark, silent figure stole across the room away from the guard, heading straight for the exhibit on Ancient Egypt. She took no time in finding what she was looking for: the Cat's-Eye Necklace. Sure, she already had three. But she was a sucker for a good cat trinket.

The woman carefully placed her palm on the glass case, looking carefully for a moment to make sure of its position, the twisted it. A hole slightly larger than her hand appeared, and she retracted her hand with a perfectly round piece of glass connected to her glove. She couldn't resist a smug smile as she pulled out her prize.

"You know, I'm pretty sure that's mostly illegal in all developed countries."

Catwoman turned around. "Robin. Nice to see you again."

"I'm not sure you mean that, but I'll take what I can get." He stepped out of the shadows. "Now the question is whether you're just going to put that back or if I'm going to have to stop you from taking it."

The thief looked at the pendant in her hand. "You know, I think I might just have to leave now. Avoid the trouble."

Robin reluctantly pulled out a birdarang. "I figured you'd say that." He sighed. "And to think I thought I might get an hour of sleep for once," he muttered.


At the guard's shout, Robin turned around gratefully. "Thank you for finally showing up. I was just--"

"I said freeze!" the guard snapped.

"Hey, I'm one of the good--"

Bang, bang!

Robin rolled out of the way of the bullets. "Hey, chill!" He leaped forward and kicked the gun out of the guard's hand. The watchman immediately flushed and ran away. "Stupid trigger-happy security guards," Robin muttered.

He turned around and sighed again. "Oh. Of course she's gone." He threw his hands in the air. "Isn't that just peachy." He fired his grappling hook at the skylight where he'd come in and disappeared into the night.

Catwoman rested her chin thoughtfully on the heel of her palm, perfectly comfortable with the closeness of the sides of the vent that was her hiding place. "Sounds like birdie needs a break," she murmured ponderously. Then a broad grin spread itself across her face, she snapped her fingers, and she could hardly keep herself from laughing aloud as a brilliant, perfect idea struck her.

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