Ch.4 - Negative

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Sometimes people were just irritating to Chris, other times they were flat out annoying. There was no inbetween to her. Especially not out in the open markets within the over packed city Brookstown, Pennsylvania, she continued to curse at the fake over enthusiasm sellers screamed from their stores in her mind. Her boots small heels clacked on the ground while she rammed through and past people from the small, but unusually a bit larger, market crowd. The crisp early October wind nipped at her cheeks as she continued her trail towards the river of the grey city. She was too deep into her own thoughts to notice the black clothed men surrounding a starry eyed boy to have crossed into her pathway. Too far in her daze to realize she ran into the largest man of them all, and only able to find the strength to give a fuck when a large pale hand grabbed onto the sleeve of her sweater roughly. Chris turned to stare down the man straight in the eyes, she couldn't tell how long she would have to go without blinking this time before his "imitation face" would crumble away to avoid her gaze. It saddened her that she wouldn't be able to find out.

"Hey!" A voice broke their gaze simultaneously tunneling their vision towards a spikey‐blond haired boy. He held up a hand to the man who looks like he's made of bricks. "She's just an eager fan Antoni, don't worry she just wants an autograph." The titan, "Antoni," grunted and shoved her arm away from him

"Wow, thank you Colossus, but I recommend you don't touch me again because I will not be afraid to add some color to that face of yours." She mumbled monotonously underneath of her breath. Turning back around, she got to view the bright boy step towards her with his hand extended. His arrogance was pouring through everything he did and said. It was making her physically feel sick from it. She ended up having to force herself not to grimace, biting her tongue in hope to use it as a method.

"You already know this, but my name's Ryan." She could physically see him holding himself back from changing his facial expressions over to a smirk from his already tacky and bright smile. She hasn't cringed this much since someone came up to her and screamed in her face, "dab on them haters!"

She blinked, her eyes still holding a dull feature to them that matched the rest of her face. "Congratulations." She said sarcastically, Ryan's reaction was priceless to her. He was bewildered and perplexed beyond belief, a girl that doesn't swoon from his actions and amazing looks? His eyes just followed after the blond as she wandered away towards a uncrowded area.

"What a odd girl..." He trailed off as his gaze was still locked onto and after her. Although, during the full interaction, a group of jealous fangirls watched them likes hawks the whole time.

Chris was a few streets over at her final destination of the river. She was thankful that she was finally able to get there after all she had to trek through today, who knew how hard it would be to get there in under 20 minutes? She sat down at the curb just above the large drop from the river. Her mother used to never understand why she would like water outside of when she was in it, it was actually why she couldn't swim. She softly hummed with a grim expression as she thought of her mother and family, swinging her legs as well along to the melody of the song. She quickly stopped when she heard and felt people stepping towards her, sighing from disappointment and anger that her peaceful aura was disrupted against her own will. Standing up, she was greeted painfully with the fake faces of her "friend group" who were actually just people who hung out with her even though both sides disliked the other.

A displeased look quickly grew onto her face as a girl named Victoria, or "Vickie," began to speak to her. "Hello Chris" she spat towards her, "who do you think you are?" Her eyes narrowed slowly with her words towards the girl. But she only shrugged. "Christina Blue, and you Victoria Ram?" She taunted with her words filled with sarcasm. Victoria's jaw clenched as she tried (keyword, tried) to discreetly wave one of her loyal followers forward to speak instead of her. A girl who's name Chris never put the effort into learning (if she had to guess, she'd say it's probably Emma) walked a few brisk steps forward a little ways in front of Vickie. "We saw you you know, talking to Ryan Thacker. What kind of nerve do you have! You know that she's‐" The brunette pointed a small finger towards Victoria "‐dating Ryan so how could you even think about flirting with her boyfriend!?"
Speaking of Ryan, the boy walked around the corner after escaping his bodyguards and following Chris's path. He stopped short nearby the group but still able to hear the group without being seen at the last sentence. He made sure to stay a little ways out of sight to them.
Chris turned her gaze to a angry Victoria, smugly she add with little to no emotion "Oh, but excuse me, your highness." She bowed to her using her waist at the middle of the sentence. But, when she stood back up she was greeted kindly with a punch to the face from Emma.

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