chapter 11

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"Louis is coming over today after work because he wants to meet you. Of all of the people in the world he wants to meet he wants to meet fucking you!" Harry yelled his hands in claws wanting to strangle Niall till his head falls off.

"Haha! You talked about me on your little date with Louis! I knew you cared about me! You're so fucking sweet! I just wanna kiss your face all the time!" Niall fakely swooned making kissy faces to the air.

"When I come back from work you better not have this house a fucking mess! I will fucking wring your neck in front of Louis and make sure your blood splatters in front of him." Niall giggled darkly and walked off into the kitchen. 


"No meeting today Harry! So we get to spend the day together! Oh, I know! How about you work on your boring worky shit and I'll draw you! I've been trying to practice my drawing lately but I haven't had much time lately and I think this would be a good time to practice! Don't you think?" Harry blankly nodded once again in his little world in his mind.

'My precious Louis is gonna fucking draw me?! Oh god! I don't deserve such an amazing lover! I wanna cry but I don't want Louis to draw me with tears! Calm down Harry make a concentrated face.' 

"Harry are you okay? You look like your trying to shit but you cant." Harry frowned laying his head on his desk.

'How am I gonna spend six more hours here alone with him? We usually have the stuff to do but today is slow. I can't do this!' 


 "I finished! Do you want to see it?" Harry sweatdropped and shuffled his papers around wondering what to say.

'Do I really want to see such an artists work? I need to pay to see such beauty, I need to pay to even be in the same room. Say something, Harry!' 

"YES!" Louis jumped at the scream and the way Harry shot up from his seat.

"Okay?" Louis got up showing the poorly drawn picture to Harry.

'It's awful! That doesn't look anything like me! It looks like a third grader with some horrible disease drew a flower that got trampled on by a lion.' 

"It's amazing Louis." Louis' face sparkled with happiness mentally blinding Harry.

'His smile is so fucking bright! I need sunglasses!' 

"Oh wow, its only been thirty minutes, time flies by. I'll draw another one!" Harry cried looking down at his lap.

'Time hates me today. I just wanna go home and beat Niall to a pulp.' 


Niall hummed slathering a long line of mayo on the counter all the way to the fridge then shooting ketchup across the table. 

"This is gonna make Harry blow up. He's gonna turn into the monster that he is right in front of Louis. This is gonna be the best time I've had in a fucking while." 

"Mr. Horan! Stop that right this instant!" Niall laughed throwing the glass mayo jar at the maid.

"Oops. Hello and goodnight." Niall chuckled watching the blood pool out of her broken skull from the jar being lodged in her head.

There were mayo and blood pooling around the now official dead ladies head.

"Another mess that I will not be cleaning up." 


"Do you have to pay your own bill? I mean you own it and you make sure that everyone else pays theirs." Harry laughed and nodded.

The Vampires Orphan (Larrystylinson) (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora