chapter 9

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Harry smiled walked into the dark room and saw the new man he snatched yesterday, the poor firefighter that "saved his life". Yeah, Harry doesn't have a life per se. The firefighter opened his eyes and looked around the dark room finally noticing that he was tied to a bed. Harry turned on the lights just as the firefighter stopped moving and stared at Harry with fear.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Don't worry your safe, I do want you to know that you will be helping me out from now on, is that okay with you? Of course its okay, I say its okay so its gonna be okay no matter what I say got it? Yes good. Now you will be my personal blood bank for the time being. Well until you run out at some point hopefully it doesn't come to that. Now I know your name is Zayn right? Well say goodbye to your old life and say hello to me forever." Harry chuckled leaving the room enjoying the sounds of Zayn's screams for help. 

Nobody would be able to hear anything, Zayn was locked in a two-story basement. A metal detector wouldn't be able to find the largest piece of metal from the surface.


Louis yawned unable to keep his eyes open for more than a few seconds. Harry eyed Louis not liking that his lover was this tired. Louis was never this tired before. He always went to bed on time, in fact, Louis went to bed on time last night, or did he not? 

Harry's eyes widened thinking. 

"Does Louis know I'm stalking him? Oh god, I knew the Tomlinsons were smart but I didn't think Louis would be this smart. Shit, I'm screwed. How else am I supposed to protect him from Liam?" Harry stood up leaving the room with a quick bathroom as his word.

"You will continue to get what we talk about for him I assume Mr. Tomlinson?" Louis nodded taking a sip of the tea then writing down what was on the board.


Harry splashed water on his face then looked in the mirror at his reflection. 

"Why is life not going great for me right now? Fucking Niall, Louis, and now Liam. I can't keep doing this. I need to fix things. First, Niall, he's easy right?" Harry sighed turning the water off and looking at his blurry watery reflection. 

"I need Zayn this is stressing me out." Harry walked back to the meeting looking through the window seeing the meeting was still going on.

Louis tiredly writing down what was on the board as fast as he could. Louis can handle this without me. Harry nodded leaving the building to go back home. 


When the meeting was over Louis sluggishly walked back to Harry's office seeing he wasn't there and sighed happily. Harry might have left after his bathroom break or something. Louis could take a nap now. Grabbing the throw blanket off the couch and taking the pillow off of Harry's chair it was lights out for Louis. Louis laid on the couch and let sleep overcome him. 


"Please stop I just want to go home." Zayn cried trying to crawl away from Harry.

"I'm hungry now stand up and come here!" Zayn shook his head and continued to crawl away.

Harry growled irritated. Harry grabbed Zayn by his hair and dragged him across the room. Zayn screamed and thrashed in Harrys hold. Using his strength Harry threw Zayn to the floor and pounced on him. Zayn screamed crawling away but only to be flipped on his stomach and have to large fangs bite into his neck. 

"Stop it! Please stop it!" Zayn cried trying to move even the slightest bit.

Harry continued to drink from Zayn till Zayn passed out from exhaustion and loss of blood. 

"Why do you have to be such a pest for me? All I want is some fucking food and you are not making that easy for me. I swear you're just like all the other disgusting humans here. Fucking rude cunts!" Harry grabbed Zayn by his collar and threw him on his cot in the corner of the room.

Harry walked back upstairs and sighed seeing that the two stains from the maids were still on the floor. Harry had to clean that up before the new ones came here. 

"Niall I know your here now come out here and clean up your mess." Niall jumped down from the top of the stairs misplacingly landing on Harry instead of the floor.

"I didn't make a mess Hazza. I cleaned up the crumbs and I made sure there wasn't any juice on the counter." Harry pushed himself up and pointed to the floor where the blood stain was.

"Oh, why can't you just lick it like its milk, don't you like cats? So act like one too!" Niall laughed making Harry's face go red with rage and embarrassment. 

"Clean it up or you will be in my basement with Zayn and I will make sure that you grow weak enough for me to kill you with a flick of my god damn finger." Niall pouted grabbing the mop and bucket from the closet.

"I let you stay in my house because you wanna get away from the famous lifestyle and yet you still can't even clean up after yourself. Your the worst houseguest in the one hundred plus years that I have been living." Niall groaned rolling his eyes tuning out Harry as he once again insulted Niall to the extent.


Louis stared at his ceiling waiting for Liam to go to sleep. Liam was always knocked out around 12:30 and that was when Louis left the apartment they shared. Also the time Harry would assume that Louis was good to stop watching over. 

Louis left the apartment and went down to the usual strip club. It was a good way for him to get extra money as a stripper. Sadly Louis had to be a female in the club. No stripping or pole dancing. Just taking orders and helping people to their private rooms then making sure they didnt have any guns or knives on them. Louis made around fifty dollars or less a night but it was nice to be able to get extra cash on the side. Harry would never know this because usually, Harry was spending his night working or trying to make Zayn his new blood bitch. 


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! I hope you all liked it! Anygays not much to say but like Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Ugh, not fucking happy about that.

 Thanksgiving is legit the worst holiday to ever exist. Like its the one holiday everyone wants to celebrate hope and pray that it doesn't end up with unwanted guest and people talking about shit that no one wants to fucking hear. Yeah but instead thanksgiving is the same, big dinner, big family, people talking about stuff that you don't want to listen to or talk about. Legit the holiday of eating a dead bird that makes you full and tired and happy that it's over the next day. 

Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning. 

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