New People

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(A/N) Hi .x


*Mariah's POV*

We walk upstairs to find 5 new faces in the living room. I turn to Allyson and she also looks confused. Theese must not be the people she invited. We slowly make our way into the living room and as soon as we enter all eyes are on us. I normally don't do very well with new people, I get very nervous and start panicking so I go sit down next to Luke on the couch and wait for someone to say something.

"Who the hell are all of you?" Allyson blurts out. Go figure.

"Mariah...Allyson, theese are the lads we've been supporting on tour for the past couple months... One Direction" Ash finally says.

" I'm Harry" A boy with curly hair, a quiff and green eyes says in a brtish accent raising his hand with a cheeky smile

"Niall" The blond one with the irish accent says. The whole time he was speaking Allyson was looking at me nodding. Clearly pointing out she likes him.

"And this is Zayn, Louis, and Liam" Calum says pointing to each one

"So you now know who we are, who are you love?" Harry says pointing to me smiling.

"Mariah...." I tell him twidling with my thumbs. I felt a hand rubbing my back and I turned to see it was Luke. I guess he could tell I was nervous or something, it was odly comforting. We never really talked really so it was kind of weird.

"Last but not least thats Allyson" Ash says pointing to her. She smiles and waves coming to sit on my lap and then stretchs her self across me and Luke.

"Alllyssssoooonnnn" Luke whines.

"WHAT PEASANT!? YOU TWO ARE COMFY AND THERES NO WHERE ELSE TO SIT!" She yells, making the blonde one I thinks name is Niall laugh, causing Allyson to smile in satisfaction shifting her head a little on my lap to get comfy.

"Fine" We grummble at the same time.

"Now since everyone is being deathly silent after this guy Harry's attempt at flirting with my bestfriend and all the introducing , i'm going to break the silence and ask if you guys want to go get something to eat because I am starvingggg" She says , me glaring at her. Yes Harry is ....cute? But i'm not really ready for anything, like. AT ALL. But I highly doubt he was flirting anyway. A series of yes, and yeas go throughout the room and then the doorbell rings again. Allyson litterally kicks Luke trying to get up and runs to the door.

"uh OW!" he screams at her."why coudlnt have that been Micheal or something?!" He finishs.

"Don't get me involved in your shit man, good one Allyson. "Michael says laughing.

She just waves her hand dismising us all , and fixes her hair before opening the door. I coudlnt see who it was so I kind of just crawled across Luke, Cal, and Mikey peeking to see who it was. I was soon all the across them leaving my spot alone for one second and Ash mad dashes to get it. I give up because I still cant see who it is so I get up and sit on Ash's lap.

"Geez you're heavy Mariah!" Ash says. I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm.

"OW! I was joking!" He deffends himself. I roll my eyes and look up to see 6 new people shifting awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Connor, Ricky, Sam, Trevor, Jc, and Kian" Allyson says pointing to each of them all with a smile on their face and a waving hand in the air.

"Hi we're O2L" They all say.

"Hi" The british boys say.

"Hi" Cal, Mikey, and Luke say.

"Hi im Ash-" Ashton starts to say getting up completly forgetting I was on his lap and dumping me on the floor.

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