Chapter 16

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I was meandering through the second level of the lodge, wistful and bored, when my ears tingled at the heated whispers drifting from Marcus' room. Normally I wouldn't pry, but curiosity got the better of me when I caught my name in the jumbled conversation. I slid down the wall and sat next to the threshold. I wasn't concerned about getting caught, but I made sure to stay out of the line of sight through the crack in the door. No need to interrupt them!

"I can't believe you are still fucking her!" the woman squealed, "We all know this moon-goddess-baby-thing is totally a load of bullshit!"

Oh god, I didn't know there were Valley Girls in Georgia!

Marcus snorted, "what makes you think that?"

"There is something weird about her, Marcus. I know you can sense it! She might act like one of us, but she isn't a true Wolfborn. Don't you think that maybe your Alpha Claim just, like, made a different version of a Werewolf?" the woman cried out, "That maybe her and Mira are playing you?"

"Fuck's sake Bianca. I'm the Alpha, I don't get played."

Her voice changed instantly, becoming sticky-sweet and nauseating, "I know baby," she cooed, "I just miss you. I don't like the idea that she's, like, forcing you into her bed because she says she'll have your pups."

He let out a cynical laugh, "Shut the fuck up and quit sniffing around for scraps, Bee. I plan on keeping her for as long as I fucking please, pups or not. I got bored with you long before she showed up, so don't think she has anything to do with why I won't fuck you."

"I was only looking out for you," Bianca pouts, sounding like a spoiled brat that hasn't gotten her way.

Marcus spits out between clenched teeth, "I have more important shit to do than listen to you whine, get the fuck out."

I stay rooted to my spot, head resting comfortably on my knees, waiting to see if I'm spotted. She homes in on me as soon as the door slams behind her. Her face contorts into an ugly scowl and she turns to face me head-on.

"You better watch it, bitch. Marcus might not see it, but the whole pack knows you're a fucking fake. Don't get too comfy in that big bed of his, I'll have it back sooner than you think!"

I laughed, a whole-hearted, belly rumbling laugh. I couldn't help it. She looks so serious with her wiry arms perched on her bony little hips. A fitted leopard print halter dress clung to her torso, her spindly legs were supported by black patent stilts, making it so that the black skirt barely reached past her ass. Her over-processed blonde hair fell in waves down her back, and her thick kohl eyeliner completed the whole 'prostitute' look. She must've dressed up for the occasion Her eyes turned to slits as I continued to laugh.

I was still giggling as I responded, "you have no fucking clue, princess." I didn't feel the need to explain myself further, I wasn't about to get buddy-buddy with the twig so there was no reason to share anything personal. Hell, Marcus hardly knew anything personal! Using the wall as a brace, I lifted myself from the ground and leveled my gaze with her, "Now," I said dismissively with a smug grin, "If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with your Boo to vigorously and enthusiastically make puppies. Can't be late!"

Bianca roars, and her skyscraper heels clack against the hardwood floor while she stomps down the stairs. Marcus' heated chest pressed to my back strangles my cackling as she disappears from view.

"An appointment, huh?" he tickles my ear with his hot breath, "I don't have you on my schedule, want me to pencil you in?"

I can feel his wicked smirk as he teases me. A shiver escapes me before I can steel my resolve enough to step away from him.

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