Chapter 5

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I screamed, I wailed, I hyperventilated and screamed again.

"What the fuck!" were the only words able to form from my short-circuited brain. Marcus was straddling me, naked and grinning like a maniac.

He leaned down and nuzzled my neck, "I fucking love it when you run. There's nothing a wolf loves more than a good hunt," his cold and stormy blue eyes glinted with a malicious glee when he lifted his head to look at me. I've never seen him happier, and it was terrifying.

The cloud of confusion and fear faded away from my thoughts, and then it hit me. Marcus. Wolf. Holy shit.

"What the fuck?" This time, the words sounded more perplexed than horrified. Marcus laughed and stood up, it took all of my effort to not let my eyes wander over his godly form. I hated him, I shouldn't want to look at him. Self control was never my strong suite... My appreciation was short lived when I began to see his muscles rippling strangely under his skin. His back arched in a sickening angle. I couldn't stand to look any more when I saw fur sprouting from the pores in his strained skin. When I was finally brave enough to look back, the same sable wolf stood crouched over me, tongue lolling out of his mouth and panting. A bead of saliva stretched its way down to my inner thigh.

"Oh gross, come on Marcus, no slobbering." The wolf followed my gaze down to where the drool had landed and I caught the hint of a smirk when he bent down to lap it up. I squirmed out from beneath him as I felt his tongue touch the sensitive skin. I scrambled up to my feet and started to run, this time, back to the compound. No fucking way was I going to stay in the presence of a handsy (or mouthy) wolf. I heard his wheezing canine laugh as I ran.

"Asshole!" I screamed over my shoulder. I jogged for as long as I could, letting the hulking wolf herd me through the forest. Half way back to the Lodge, my calves were screaming and my ankle buckled mid-stride. Marcus ambled back to me when he saw that I had fallen behind. He circled me once before he sat back on his haunches and ducked his shoulders, nudging his head underneath my arm. It took me a minute to figure out what he was doing, but soon I was hung over his back, letting him carry me the rest of the way. His caramel colored fur was silky underneath my hands and I found myself snuggling closer to him. It took us a quarter of the time it would have had I been running at a full sprint. His movements were so swift and fluid, darting back and forth between trees and gliding over obstacles. He dropped me off at the back door of the Lodge, raising his hackles and releasing a rumbling growl as he eyed me, then the door, and back to me.

"Straight back to the bedroom, I get it," I huffed at him.

I sat on the edge of the huge bed, letting the earlier events sink in. The further they sank, the more I grasped the meaning behind all of it. Marcus was a werewolf. There is no way I can escape a fucking werewolf. How in the hell was I not hyperventilating? I guess my time with Tyler numbed me more than I thought. Instead of being drawn in to the depression that followed, I found myself thinking of Ellie. I promised Marcus I would be good, to protect her, and here I am causing a ruckus. Shit, I'm going to have redeem myself for this one. I considered what an alpha asshole male would want in a girl, what a wolf would look for in a mate, and then it hit me.


I needed to be submissive. I thought back to the sparse information I had on the subject and took action. I lifted myself off of his bed and took a quick shower, I slipped on one of the graphic tees I found in his drawers (Captain America, hah!), and folded to my knees at the foot of his bed. Just as I started reconsidering my plan, and getting a leg cramp, he sauntered into the room. He must've had clothes and a shower somewhere else, because there was no trace of the wolfman I saw in the woods. When he finally noticed me, he had to do a double-take. Yeah, that's right buddy, I concede, I thought to myself as he smirked at me. He made his way to me and towered above me, arms crossed over his broad chest.

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