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A new spark of determination hits Eugene after his epiphany at work. He realizes the effort it will take, and the practice he's going to need to go through. He's merely a beginner in his craft and his plan takes a bit of a higher up skill. That's when he realizes how much effort this plan will truly even take.

The idea was quite random, yet Eugene felt as if he thought of it for a reason. It seems important to him, driving him to head home early from work. The other guys seem slightly confused, yet brush it off as he leaves.

The first instinct Eugene has is to locate a nearby Starbucks. Nothing about his future plans scream easy, and his energy is already beginning to diminish from him. Therefore, landing himself in the drive through, ordering a cold brew.

There's many layers to his plan, many things he must do before he's able to act on it. Nevertheless, Eugene doesn't mind, he takes the idea to be also a form of practice for his work, which is something he needs. If it works, he will accomplish two things, one being proof of his capabilities, and two his intentions will turn true.

He doesn't even realize he's home until he's there, sitting in his parking spot in front of the complex. The parking spot is mostly empty, reminding him that he did in fact, leave work early to do this.

With that realization, he quickly grabs his coffee and makes his way to his apartment. It's dark and eerie when he gets inside, urging him to strangely light the candles instead of turning on the lights. He going to need it later anyway, he thinks.

Eugene decides doing some research before doing any actual magic would most likely be a safer bet. Considering he doesn't even know what all of this actually entails, it'd make a significant more amount of sense to research beforehand compared to just jumping into it.

So that's what he does, he grabs an alcoholic drink, his coffee, his laptop, and a piece of paper and heads to his living room. Eugene isn't quite sure what to expect on his escapade of research, so he comes prepared.
'Spells of attraction' is what he types into Google. He's immediately met with hundreds of thousands of results. Upon scrolling for awhile, he comes across a website titled 'Spells of Magic.'

The site once clicked on immediately intrigues Eugene. Reading the sub-title 'Influence someone' sent a sick shiver up his spine. He then realizes that's essentially what he's going to attempt to do. Power truly courses through his blood and he had hardly even realized it.

Having the power to manipulate someone's mind enough to influence them is a huge thing. The naturally dominant side of him is pleased at this discovery. However, the slightly more rational side of him is weary of said discovery.

He continues reading on the website, it talks about the power influencing someone holds. It list the ingredients and chant used to place the spell, as well as explaining that you could do a specific type of influencing spell after doing this one, and it will be double as powerful.

'Should I even try this?' He wonders to himself. It all began from a miniscule discovery he earlier had. Something he's simply never thought of. Is going through with this silly plan worth toying with the universe over? He isn't sure, but now becoming slightly obsessed over it, he isn't sure if there's an option to not do it.

A wave of anxiety settles over him for a moment, he doesn't want this to get out of control, like he's found himself doing over silly things multiple times. Being too obsessive, to the point of it obstructing his day to day life. Eugene doesn't want that to be the case for this, but he wonders if that's capable of being avoided.

He doesn't realize he zoned out until he finally focuses his eyes. The darkened screen of the laptop in front of him is somehow too bright in his candle lit living room. Rubbing his eyes, he wakes up the laptop and continues his research.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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