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Arriving back at his apartment in Los Angeles is simply refreshing for Eugene. The only frustrating fact being that he has the rest of the night to explore the skills he was unaware he had, and that's it. He rushes to unpack his bag, eager to explore his newfound powers.
Clothes litter the floor as he unpacks the items his mother had gifted him. The idea of him being a witch is something he's gotten more used to. Understanding he now has, well rather, has just found out, that he has powers.
The tubs of herbs, the spell book, the wand and everything else he's been gifted are cradled in his arms as he makes his way to his living room. His laptop is sat on his coffee table, in which he figures will come in handy.
Sitting everything down, he finds himself sat on the floor, utterly determined to figure something (in which he isn't quite sure what) out by the end of the night. Even if that means coming into work immensely sleep deprived.
His laptop opens, he searches a basis of what to do when practicing witchcraft. Surprise overcomes him when he realizes simply how much there is on the subject. Everything is real, he realizes.
His research informs him that focusing, clearing his mind, and willpower are the basis to practicing witchcraft successfully. Eugene slides his laptop aside, determined to accomplish what he wants to do.
Crystals begin to surround the area, candles get lit, the spell book sits nicely in his lap. He's ready to do this, and frankly, he doesn't believe he's ever been so focused on accomplishing anything before in his life.
His goal is to simply move the candle sitting in front of him. Due to lack of experience, his expectations are set low. Eugene clears his mind. All background noises are cleared, it's only him, and a candle.
His arm extends in front of him, mirroring what his mother had shown him. The heat radiating from the fire fuels his inner desire to move the candle.
It's maybe five minutes before he gives up, disappointed in himself for not getting it the first time. It takes practice, the website told him, he tries to remember that. The utter fear of disappointing his mother is the only thing that drives him to continue trying. For if she found out he's powerless, it'd be far too shameful for him.
That being said, he reassumes his position in front of the candle. Sitting crisscrossed, Eugene once again clears his mind. He keeps his eyes open this time, the small white candle being the only thing in sight. With a slow, steady motion, his arm once again raises in front of him.
Focus, focus, Eugene. He tells himself.
His breath is held and he stares down the flickering candle. His eyes squinting at it, enough for him to be able to barely see. Suddenly, before his eyes, the candle flame diminishes.
No air source around him could produce enough wind to blow the candle out. I did that, oh my God I did that. He realizes, slightly excited.
Sure, it's a miniscule accomplishment compared to what his mother had demonstrated to him.
Eugene suddenly flips open the spell book that sits in his lap. The page he flips open to is titled Pyrokinesis: Incantation. Upon further reading he cannot help but feel slightly weirded out. It's a spell to generate and or light fire when recited multiple times.
Was that purposeful, or just a coincidence? He wonders to himself.
Either way, it's perfect. An amazing opportunity for him to prove whether or not he's capable of magical powers.
He takes a deep breath, his eyes wandering over the same set of words repetitively, memorizing them. His mind then returns to it's cleared state, with now not only just the candle in mind, but those words as well.
"Igneme accende, Igneme accende, Igneme accende." He states, his voice littered with intent and focus.
Before his eyes, the candle re-lights and begins flickering as it did before. Eugene doesn't feel anything in particular in the moment, possibly a little proud of himself. Yet it's still something he's going to need to get used to.
He decides that's enough for one night, feeling accomplished and strangely light headed. Candles are blown out and ritualistic materials are set aside for the time being. The clock reads 11:50pm, not bad for timing, he decides.
The couch is where he decides to lay down. Thoughts upon thoughts dance around his head and otherwise prevent him from the sleep he ever so craves.
His mind takes him to when him and the other three Try Guys were in Florida, filming for the Dirty Tour series. In the Everglades, he felt a spiritual connection like none he's ever felt before. Eugene even simply asked the universe for it to rain, he became surprised when it actually happened. Being the rational person he is, he played it off as not only a joke but a coincidence in his mind.
He should have realized then, he should have known that there was something unusual about that time. He wished and the sky granted, in the form of rain.
The difference between then and now is simply that manipulating the candle took a significant amount of energy, yet making the sky sprinkle rain took no energy, hardly a full thought even.
The confusion gets the best of him as he throws off his covers and stands up from the sofa. Tripping on a few things the way there, he finds his way to his balcony.
It's cool and dark outside, the city lights pollute the sky to the point of there being no visible stars. For a moment, that realization upsets him. Eugene then remembers what he's really outside for.
His head tilts towards the sky and he thinks a simple 'I'd like it to rain.' The chilliness seeps through his skin as he waits. For a moment, he almost drags himself back inside, defeated. That is, until a cold, wet drop pelts him in the face. Followed by another on his arm, sure enough, it's raining.
It takes everything within him to not yell out in pride. He caused it to rain, he did that. No concentration required, just a simple thought.
This in itself is more than enough for Eugene, enough to prove that this is all real, he has powers, and that he's capable of using them properly.
Enough for him to be able to go back inside and lay back down on the sofa, proud of his actions. Enough for him to be able to fall asleep within a few minutes of laying there.

Bright sunlight awakens him from his slumber. Eugene recognizes the great mood he's in almost immediately after waking up. A positive, excited outlook on life has enveloped him.
It drives him to get up quicker than usual, to put even more effort into his outfit for the day, to spend a little bit of extra time on his hair. By the time he's finished getting ready, he can add higher self confidence to his list of moods for the day.
He doesn't feel the need to look at the clock as he makes his way out of the door, something in him tells him it's the right time. Getting into his car and merging onto the freeway seems to be much smoother than usual.
Everything about the day so far has been unusually nice and smooth for Eugene. It instantly puts him in a serene mood, chilling him out where otherwise he'd be anxious.
He takes in the newfound positive mood as he pulls into his parking spot at work. It's simply Ned's old house but for some reason he can't help but feel a sense of pride. Maybe he could use his powers to better the company?
Eugene unbuckles his seatbelt and exits the car. There's a slight confidence in his step as he walks to the door. He opens it and looks at the familiar office space with a new outlook on it.
Zach, Ned, and Keith are all sat at their desks already. Ned looks ever so stressed as he works on editing a Saturday video. Zach has his headphones in, most likely listening to music and researching. Keith sits at his desk playing with a paper clip, not paying attention to particularly anything.
Eugene's presence seems to be known as the other three look up. He sits down at his desk, which is sat next to Zach's.
"Hey 'Gene!" Keith greets him gracefully, suddenly drived from his state of bordem.
"Hey guys." Eugene says, scouting out the surrounding area, pondering how his skills could affect the workplace. That's not something he should be worried about at the moment, though, he decides.
Zach looks up from his desktop and gives Eugene a kind smile. Something within Eugene churned, his heart beating heavily at the sight of Zach's smile. What is going on with him?
To distract himself, he turns on his desktop computer.
There are endless things he could be doing for his job, yet his focus seems to be directed towards his nearby environment. Not only that, but his best friends around him. It almost seems as if Eugene could read their energy, their moods.
It slightly annoys him, the lack of focus enveloping him due to his racing mind. His attempt at distraction from his mind continues as he puts on his headphones. His positive outlook has been slightly diminished by the focus work takes. He can't help but wonder if it's something different though.
He wants to yell in frustration now, why suddenly does he feel something strange and unfamiliar. It's like there's feelings being uncovered he was unaware of. Exactly what those feelings are, he's unsure of.
Eugene doesn't realize he's been staring off into space until Zach notifies him.
"Eugene." He says.
"What? Sorry, spaced out there for a second." Eugene replies, suddenly unsure of how to communicate.
"Are you okay?" Zach asks, worry littered in his voice.
Eugene pauses for a moment, taking in the situation. Zach, with his adorable face is looking directly into his eyes. A spark of admiration hits Eugene. Suddenly, he realizes the source of the distraction, an idea comes to mind.
"Me? I'm perfectly fine." He states in a confident tone.

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