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Third person p.o.v.

As the days went on Mark and Lexie grew very close once again. But they never uttered a work about their relationship. Mark had kept Lexie's true identity a secret, which was proving to be harder than he thought.

He heard the whispers. Everyone talked about him and Lexie, even if it had been months since the plane crash, it was still brought up almost every day. And when Mark started walking around the hospital with a pep in his step and a small smile on his face, they wondered what changed. They wondered why he went from dark and twisty to bright and happy. Mark wanted to shout from the rooftops that Lexie was alive. That she was alive and she still loved him, but he respected her decision and kept quiet, the smile falling from his face when he would think about how he couldn't tell the world.

Mark spent every second of his free time with Lexie. The only time he would go home was when Lexie forced him to, claiming she wouldn't talk to him if he didn't go home and shower.

Lexie was doing good, she was recovering from her accident nicely. Most of her cuts had healed and a pink scar had started to form from the incision made during her surgery the first day there.

Everything was great. Until one day.

Mark was talking to his patient across the hall from Lexie's room when a code blue was called. He glanced out the window and ran when he saw nurses rushing into her room. He immediately took charge and ordered everyone around.

"Charge to 360. Clear!" A quiet beep was heard from Lexie's heart monitor. Her heart started beating again and Mark let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "Her pupils are dilated. Page Shepherd and tell him to meet us in the OR." 

On the way to the OR, Mark was trying to figure out how he could get Derek to do this surgery without finding out who he was operating on. He made sure everything was under Alex Danvers and made sure her face was draped when Derek walked in. Mark didn't stray far though. He watched the entire surgery through the gallery, which was a little suspicious to Derek.

Hours later, Lexie's surgery was done. She was mostly in the clear, but would be closely monitored. Derek, Meredith, Christina, April, Jackson, and Alex were all eating lunch at a table when Mark walked in. Lexie had woken up for a few minutes and the smile on Mark's face was visible from a mile away.

"What's got you so happy?" Derek asks as Mark sits. "Yeah, you have been oddly happy these past few days. It's almost like Lexie's back or something." Meredith chimes in, laughing at the end. "Well... she kinda is back.." I mumble but they still hear me. "What do you mean Lexie's back? She's dead, Mark." Meredith says, her smile falling.

"No she's not." This time I say it louder, completely forgetting I'm not supposed to say anything. "She faked her death. Apparently the entire plane crash was staged, just so she could fake her death, it's kinda funny actually. Then she did die for a few seconds today but thanks to Derek, that won't be happening again anytime soon." Mark finishes, a smile on his face. He looks around the table, everyone is staring at him, in shock. "Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell you."

Wow umm. This is trash. Sorry about that. But it's an update? I swear everything I write sounds 12000% better in my head but I'm incapable of actually writing it. Anyway, it's December 31st so happy new year! I have literally 0 plans. Maybe I'll watch an episode of Rizzoli and Isles at midnight or something because I love that show. Let's see, 2016 I watched greys and toasted Amelia on her wedding at midnight. Then last year I played cards with my mom and turned the musical episode of Supergirl on. Maybe I'll think of something clever and like right as midnight strikes, a gunshot goes off or something. Idk. OH I could watch the one where Jane shoots herself. OR WAIT NO the one where she saves the girl but gets shot. Yeah. That one. Or the one where Maura gets kidnapped. Dangit. I'll pick one eventually.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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