Bloom a flower that looks like you

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Sorry for not updating Monday tbh I forgot welp! hope you like this chapter! thank you for reading this piece of shit! Hope yall have a wonderful day! see you Friday 

Yoongi woke up the next morning feeling a lot better than last night although he still had a slight headache. While picking up his phone smelt the sent of pancakes. He left his phone on the bed and walked out towards the kitchen. He saw Hoseok making breakfast whilst dancing swaying his hips side to side. After watching for a while he spoke up

"G-good morning..." Yoongi said in a quiet voice

"Oh! Yoongi good morning! I was making breakfast for the both of us go ahead and have a seat" he said whilst pointing to the table. Once he was done he brought the food over to Yoongi and asked him " You want coffee?"

"Uh sure I take it black with 3 sugar cubes," Yoongi said looking at the food but waiting for Hoseok to start eating. "Wow I haven't had a meal like this is a long time" Yoongi muttered out

"Well, I hope you like it! I'm not the best cook but I do try" he said setting down Yoongi's coffee

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Yoongi blurted out as Hoseok took a seat

"Well, first of all, you were hurt and there's no way I could leave a person on the floor bleeding. Second of all, I don't need a reason to be nice to someone who is obviously suffering" Hoseok said while taking a sip of his coffee.

Yoongi just looked down at his hands it was quiet for maybe a little too long till Yoongi spoke up " I was kicked out of my house...I told them I was gay and I told them my dreams but they rejected me throwing me away as if I was trash. So I've been living on the streets for a while now living off of any amount of money I can get my hands on." Yoongi said as he started eating.

Hoseok spoke up he pitied this kid because he saw a lot of himself in him " When I was 18 I also came out to my family that I was gay and while they never kicked me out nothing was ever the same I didn't feel like I fit in with my family. 

My family would make crude jokes about me and if it wasn't for my friend Namjoon who took me in when I couldn't take it anymore I'd probably would have lived on the streets or would have done something worse....maybe that's why I brought you here. Fate maybe" he said smiling. They continued to eat after they were done yoongi offred to wash the dishes

" I don't suppose you have a place to stay at the moment do you?" hoseok asked while ignoring his now ringing phone

" I.. don't," Yoongi said

" well I don't mind if you live here with me. I've got an extra room" he said nonchalantly

"what ? really you'd take a stranger in?" Yoongi said

"I don't mind and plus it gets lonely living alone it was nice to know that there's someone else here," Hoseok said setting his coffee cup in the sink for Yoongi to wash he looked towards Yoongi

"So what do you say? He said smiling

"Sure it's not like I have anywhere else to go," Yoongi said smiling for the first time in a while.

Time skip brought to you by my love for Kim Taehyung

2 weeks had passed and Yoongi still didn't have a job. The only good thing about these few past weeks was a roof over his head and his new friend Hoseok who basically was like his energy charger. The pair had grown quite close in the past 2 week as they talked about similar traits they had in common. Though sometime Yoongi could hear Hoseok yelling at someone over the phone which always ended with Hoseok crying and begging for forgiveness.

Yoongi was sure that he was slowly growing a slight crush for the older man he was just so kind, funny and beauty his smile filled up his heart it felt as if it would jump right out of his mouth.

Today was a day like no other except he had good news he finally got hired at a small cafe! He really liked the aesthetics of the place the only thing he didn't like was his nosey co-worker Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung they seemed to flirt with each other so much and they loved to pet Yoongi as if he was a cat or something. While his boss wasn't bad he actually liked the shitty dad jokes he told Seok Jin was his name. Yoongi jogged home and open the door through off his shoes and jumped on the couch. As he stretched on the couch he heard the door being open and closed. Hoseok popped out from the corner walking towards Yoongi and laying on top of him.

"UGHHHHH" Hoseok groned

"Long day Hoseok?" Yoongi said whilst running his fingers through Hoseok's hair

" Ugh you would not believe it this day feels like its been going for too long but anyways any luck today yoongles?"

"Yeah! I got a job at a small cafe down the road" Yoongi smiled as Hoseok got up

" I know the person who runs the place! Good job Yoongi" Hoseok patted Yoongi's head and as Yoongi slightly blushed

" wait hyung how do you know jin?" Yoongi asked 

" Well he's my best friend's boyfriend"

"I don't remember having a boyfriend" Yoongi  said 

Hoseok smiled and got up "welp i'm going out tonight don't wait up for me" he said as he went to the bathroom. Yoongi didn't like that all whenever Hobi went out he came back with bruises or even crying when he thought Yoongi was sleeping.

This upcoming preview for Friday

Your disgusting Hoseok. How can you live like that? Why don't you go back to cutting yourself maybe that way someone will give you attention you attention whore. He cut himself too deep. He lost a lot of blood and everything is blurry "Hoseok! Hoseok! Please stay with me" someone yelled. 

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