Chapter 20

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This was my Mother's house.

"The amount of detail in your mind is really quite astonishing, considering how young you were when you were last here." The man looked around the room, kicking the rubbish beneath his feet, genuinely impressed.

"Three." I said, my voice cracked and dry in my throat. My eyes were watering, partly in shock - and partly from the smell. The smell was what I could remember most vividly - old cheap perfume attempting to drown out the stench of mould and rotting food. I breathed it in deeply, and as I did, so did the man.

"Aah yes. Smell is a very interesting sense don't you think? Capable of bringing back memories your mind thought it had wiped out - such as this one."

"Who are you? Why are we here?" I clenched my fists as they hung beside my thighs. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now.

"So many questions Rainbow Arcus! And you will get your answers. I suppose I had better introduce myself..." The man stepped towards me.

"You suppose?! Yeah, that would be a great start - then maybe you could tell me why the hell we're in a projected memory of my Mother's house?"

"Very good Rainbow - they have been teaching you something worthwhile here then." The man had a new look about him now, one that I didn't like. Behind the handsome demeanour, I could see something a lot more sinister - if only he would look me in the eye. "And feisty, just like your Mother used to be."

"You knew my Mum?" I couldn't contain my shock. Who was this guy? Oh god, he wasn't my...

"Father? Ha! No no, I'm afraid not. I sense a feeling of disappointment in you though? Always wanted to know who he was, haven't you? All in good time." His smirk was starting to make me angry.

"You're reading my mind aren't you?"

"Less reading, more...using." He smiled. "Your mind has the capability to produce powerful projections, such as the one we're standing in now. You're not yet trained enough to use it though - so that's where I come in. I've moved a few cells around - bridged the gap between the neural pathways. Unfortunately that means that can't walk. Don't try either, it will hurt." But of course, in typical Rainbow Arcus fashion, I was already trying to do exactly what the adult had told me not to do.

He was right. It did hurt. My top half flailed pathetically as I fell, my legs completely numb, as if they didn't belong to me at all. My head was filled with pain again and the room in my Mother's house went hazy around the edges, but it was soon back.

"You know we're going to get along much better if you do what I say." He walked towards me slowly. I'd pulled myself up to my elbows and glared up at him. "I could make you - of course - as I have done before. Had you figured that out yet?"

"What are you talking about? And you'd better tell me who you are and what you know about my parents. And give me back my mind as well."

"I go by the name Khepri, but that's not one you will have heard - unless you're an expert in Egyptian mythology, and of all the many things you are Rainbow, I don't believe you're one of those."

"If you're trying to tell me you're from Ancient Egypt, then somehow I don't believe you.." I snorted. This guy was weird, but I was starting to think he was less dangerous and more deranged.

"Not quite that old I'll admit - but I have lived more years than my skin might show. I've had a lot of time for studies I might not have had time for only living one lifetime, like most people." He crouched down now next to my head, but didn't look at me, instead he looked around the room. "Ancient Egypt is actually a fascinating civilization. They worshipped so many Gods - not so different from our world in a way. We all worship many figureheads of power, when maybe we should be focusing on just one." He turned towards me, but still avoided my eyes.

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