Chapter 15

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I stood, grounded to the spot, gripping the book to my chest so tightly I could feel the skin stretching around my knuckles. He turned around.

"Not quite." said a voice I wasn't expecting. Theo Baldwin grinned at me, and took a step forwards. Luckily I found my feet again.

"Go away Theo." I said levelly, before turning away from him and starting off towards the East exit. It was a much longer route back to my corridor, but if it meant staying away from Theo I really didn't care.

"Sorry to disappoint you Rainbow, lover-boy's back tomorrow!" He called after me, not caring that he was disturbing the students still working...or that Miss Stevens looked like she was going to gut him.

Lover-boy. Really? It was too pathetic to make me angry enough to retaliate, but it still stung me.

I really thought it had been Sam, and for a split-second all my thoughts and feelings vanished, replaced by a numbness which settled in my stomach like a large brick. Then thoughts had raced through my head at lightening speed: What do I say? Do I say anything? Has he forgiven me? Will he ever forgive me? Does he even know I'm here? Instead, all I'd been able to produce was a single word; his name.

I shook it off. I'd have to bump into him eventually - if Theo was right, sooner than I had been ready for. The brick wobbled, unsure of itself. Was that a feeling of happiness, or of dread? I guessed I'd find out tomorrow.


Time to present my sociology project to Fulmen. It was the first time I'd been excited about a piece of homework in my entire life, and I was glad it was first period. Hopefully everything would still be fresh in my mind, but for now I knew I should get some sleep.

Amber was breathing heavily in her own slumber as I entered our room quietly, and laid down the book as quietly as I could on my bedside table. It was bursting with notes, and I felt something a little like pride coursing through me. I'd work out what I was actually going to say tomorrow over breakfast. I might ask Holly for help, she was interested in Mutant Politics and might have heard of Lothar - unlike the rest of the world, so it seemed. I sat down on my bed, not realising how tired I had become. I barely noticed the ache sliding into my head, as I laid down and immediately fell into my dreams.


Sweat clung to my body as I sat up like a shot. My eyes turned immediately to the clock on the table next to me.


I stared at it for a few seconds - then it hit me.

I tore out of bed and into the bathroom. No time to take off yesterday's makeup and replace it, I topped it up as best I could and got dressed into the first clothes I found. Just then Amber came in.

"Oh, you're up then." She smiled at me, then saw my expression.

"No thanks to you." I spat, not caring about my manners right now. "Why the hell didn't you wake me up for breakfast? Now it's only, five minutes until class and I'm pitching my project to Fulmen - a project I was planning to put together this morning, which..." I continued, snatching up the book off the side. "I wouldn't have had to do if you weren't distracting me yesterday. Thanks a bunch Amber."

I stormed off, leaving Amber open mouthed. Ok, I'd just snapped at my best friend over being late - something I'd never cared about before - but she didn't understand how important this project was to me, no one did. But Fulmen would see.

I was just on time to class, and just in time to hear my name being called. We were pitching in alphabetical order. Another reason to hate my name - I was first up.

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