six: knight in shining armour

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For the first few seconds, Luna wasn't sure if she was having an alcohol-induced hallucination or if Antoine was really holding on to her wrist and defending her in front of all those cameras.

          Luna shifted her attention from Antoine for one moment to look at the paparazzi. It looked like they were taking even more pictures now, some of them even smiling at the thought of getting a big payday after Antoine's outburst. Luna softly cleared her throat and used her other hand to gently touch Antoine's forearm.

          The soft contact of Luna's hand redirected Antoine's attention back to her, his startling blue eyes peering into her warm brown ones. "It's not worth it, Griezmann." She whispered softly. Antoine looked at the paparazzi, hundreds of flashes going off by the minute, before looking back at her. Without warning, he tugged her away from the commotion. Luna was far too busy trying to keep up with Antoine's long strides that she didn't even have time to think about his hand on her wrist.

          They walked around the club until they reached the VIP parking lot behind it. Antoine, still in his fit of anger, didn't notice that he was still holding on to Luna's hand until he had to fish his car keys out of his pocket. He looked down at their hands and didn't even disguise his sneer. He dropped Luna's hand and grabbed his car keys, quickly pressing the button on it. In the furthermost corner of the parking lot, a pitch black LaFerrari chirped, its headlights flashing twice.

          "Get in." Antoine said gruffly to Luna. She didn't bother resisting and did what he told her to. She slid into the passenger seat and he got into the driver's seat. The car roared to life and without wasting another moment, Antoine revved out of the parking lot.

         The pounding in Luna's head was still very much there, but it was accompanied with another feeling. Her hands were shaking and it felt like tears were going to pool out of her eyes at any given moment. Sure, she's had some nasty encounters with paparazzi, but she's never been caught off-guard, drunk, and alone. Luna took a few shaky breaths and slowly, turned her head to look at Antoine.

          His face was illuminated by the streetlights outside. His steely gaze was fixed on the road, his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. Luna wondered just why he was so angry.

          "What the hell were you thinking, Dubois?" Antoine finally hissed after what felt like centuries of silence. "Walking home on your own at 2 AM in the morning? You could've been mugged, you could've been kidnapped!"

          Luna opened her mouth to shoot a comeback right back at him, but she closed it again, unable to find the words to say. He was right – she probably should've just waited for Gen. Luna just wanted to crawl into her bed and never come out of her apartment ever again. She didn't need to hear this from anyone, much less Antoine.

          "I know," Luna finally said. "I didn't...I didn't think it'd be that bad."

          Antoine didn't say anything, but the car wove through Paris' streets a little faster, his foot stepping on the gas pedal more forcefully.

          "Then you weren't thinking!" Antoine snapped. "It also didn't help that you were drunk and couldn't even walk in a straight line. Just wait until this shows up on the news tomorrow."

          Luna bit her lip so hard that she was sure she'd draw blood. "I get it, Griezmann. God, can you think about anyone but yourself for once? I didn't do it on purpose." She bit back angrily.

          "Think about anyone but myself? Excuse me, Dubois, but who was the one who helped you out back there? Who's driving you home right now?!"

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