~Thank you~

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Because I feel thankful in this moment, I just want to write a few words for all these cute pastas. This story would not exist without a few people. So I decided to write a short thanks to all of you.
Thank you, Mama and Papa, for doing all these things to protect our beautiful planet. Thank you, Merit, for supporting me and my plans.
Thank you, Linda and Selma, Diandra and Jasmin. Thanks to the international café in Winsen and Greenpeace for the great youth-project "Greenteams".  #WeForTheEnvironment, Fuck Yeah!  Thanks to all the people, that signed our petition, from Germany, but also from countries like Austria, Great Britain, America, Belgium etc.
And finally, thank you, dear readers, for reading this. If  YOU want to support us, sign the online-petition. Whoever you are, whereever you are, we need you now. You will find the link in the bio on my profile.

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