Chapter Twenty

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"Malfoy?" Ron and Hermione said incredulously.

Harry sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "You had to have seen it coming. I did . . . smell him in the amortentia."

"Well yeah. . . But he said yes? Ow!" Ron added when Hermione elbowed him---hard.

"What Ron means, Harry," Hermione said, "is that you two have been at it for years. It's . . . strange that you've made up in . . . such a way. But we're happy for you!" she rushed.

"We are?" Ron whispered, not so subtly, and not so quietly.

Hermione elbowed him again.

"Ow, 'Mione!" Ron protested with emphasis.

"We are," she clarified. "Just . . . be careful. I don't want it to end up some trick he's trying to pull on you."

"I don't think it is, Hermione," Harry said earnestly. "I think he really does care for me."

"Are you sure?" Pansy asked, still in shock at what Draco had just told him. Yet, at the same time, everything made perfect sense now---why he'd been running off to torment Potter on his own, why the potion hadn't worked. . . Everything was starting to come together in her mind.

Draco nodded sternly. "Yes. He. . . Stop looking at me like that! I can just tell, alright Pans?"

"If you get duped by him, don't come crawling back to me to get back at the player," she finalized, getting up and walking into the girls' dorms for the night.

Duped. . , Draco thought, his mind wandering back to the kind-of-make-out-session at the library he'd had with Pott---Harry when they were supposed to be in their fourth period class.

Player, he pondered, more amused this time. If Pansy had been there. . . He smiled, then let out a chuckle as he realized, If Pansy had been there I would've punched her in the face. She would've gotten exactly what she wanted . . . but I got exactly what I wanted to.

Harry's face filled his mind as he mindlessly walked into the boys' dorms.

He fell asleep with a genuine smile on his face, as Harry had as well.

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