16.|| I never meant to hurt you - henry bowers

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5 "I never meant to hurt you"

It was a wonder that you and he met, Henry thought. You were unreal. Nothing like the people that walked around here. Almost like a fairytale. And Henry thanked his lucky stars every night that he ended up with you. 

But with such a perfect match: Two people both addicted to pushing boundaries and having power over others. There was bound to be a fall. 

And a couple of hours ago, he first started noticing the move to the edge.

The two of you were at a party. This particular party was a lot less adventurous than the ones you normally attended. Probably some private school thing, you didn't really know. You didn't really care either. But there was free booze, so the two of you just had to do with the plaid pants and shitty pop-rock songs. 

Somewhere through the night though, there was a change of crowd. The sweater vests were exchanged for denim jackets. And when the first Ramones song started playing, Henry could feel that this night was going to have a different ending than he expected.

After about an hour, the two of you had kind of lost each other. You probably off somewhere in the crowd dancing to the music while Henry tried finding you. 

 So when he finally did, he sort of had a heart attack when he saw you. You looked beautiful as ever, showered in the blue and pink lights of the party. But the thing that had his heart going crazy, were your eyes. It was probably the thing that really had pulled him to you. But as you were dancing there, he saw your eyes, looking at someone else in the same exact hypnotizing way you look at him.

As he thought back at it now, not even 5 hours later, he realized you were drunk. You had drunk more than your small body could take, and you probably couldn't think straight. But right then, at that party he was furious. And the only thing that he could think of, was doing the exact same.

So he drank all the alcohol he could get his hands, ignoring the fact he had to drive the car he had borrowed from Belch back home and danced with every girl willing too.

But after a couple of songs, he realized that the spot you were dancing at was empty. And so was any other place you could be at in that house.

So, here he was. Laying on his side on your bed, looking at your back as the feeling of guilt overcame him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Henry whispered. "I never meant to hurt you."

A sigh escaped your lips. "Then why did you do it?"

"Because I was jealous. You were looking at some guy, the same way you look at me. And I just... Fucked it up." His breath shook when he finished talking.

This is it, this is the fall...

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