Bullied (Teen Harry! Toddler Liam!)

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Louis - Daddy

Niall - Dada

Zayn - Papa

Harry - (13 years old)

Liam - (5 years old)

Harry's P.O.V

I was on my way to school, walking on this cloudy day, hearing nothing but my footsteps on the cracked sidewalk. Unfortunately, Papa couldn't give me a ride today as he was busy watching Liam, while Daddy and Dada were at work.

As embarrassing as Papa can be at times, at least he prevents me from getting an early morning beating from my bullies. That's right, I, Harry Styles, get beaten and bullied on a daily basis.  Whether it be verbally, or physically, I just can't seem to go a day without new bruises.

I finally reach the school and sit on one of the benches outside seeing as the gates of bloody hell didn't open for another ten minutes. I pulled out my phone and started to play FIFA.

I was so enticed in the game, that I didn't even realize that Travis and his friends, Jake and Colton, had began walking towards me ready to attack. I had just swiped my screen in an attempt to make a goal when my phone was slapped out of my hand and it hit the concrete, causing the screen to shatter in thousands of pieces.

I looked up, only to come face to face with Travis. He smiled that devilish smirk of his and got right in my face. He grabbed the collar of my jumper and lifted me off my seat on the bench. I swallowed so hard it could be heard from a great distance away, and tears began to fill my eyes.

"What's the matter fag? You scared? Well, you should be." Pure hatred filled his eyes as he spoke through gritted teeth. Jake and Colton stood behind him, ready to join in whenever Travis needed them. Before I knew it, I felt a powerful strike to my gut. The force was so hard it became difficult to breathe.

"Don't just stand there you twats! Help me would ya?!" Travis yelled after pushing me to the ground, causing my head to take a hard hit. My whole world started to spin as I was kicked, hit, and punched. Hateful words being spit in my face in the process.

It got to the point where I really didn't care anymore. I just layed there like the punching bag I was and took it. After a kick to the balls, Travis kneeled down and whispered words that I won't ever forget.

"You see you worthless piece of shit? This is why you are nothing. You sit there like the little pussy you are and take what comes to you....never fighting back. But, that's fine. Just makes you an easier target. Why not just kill yourself huh? Make everyone's life easier." with those spiteful words, he picked my head up by my hair, and slammed my head on the concrete, causing me to blackout.

*2 hours later*

I woke up and my head was killing me. I looked down at my watch and read the time: 10:27. Forget school. I was just going to get a detention for ditching my first two lessons anyway. I slowly got up, using the bench as support, and once I felt confident enough, I began walking home.

I plugged in my headphones and quietly sobbed to myself as my favorite song by 3 Doors Down rang through my ears.

I’m about to be on the floor again, Surely you’re gonna find me here..

I’m about to sleep until the end of time, drug I take gonna wake my fear...

Right now I’m passing away on to the better life

Finally, I reached my front porch. I quietly walked into the door and closed it, barely making a sound. I spotted Liam and Papa taking a nap on the couch in the family room. Being sure not to wake them, I slowly tip toed up the steps, and did the same as action I did to the front door to my own door.

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