meeting mika anderson.

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Lucy says "so, Erik let me get this right, that we are going to human world in human forms?."
The brothers nodded and I groaned
Sam said "its, not gonna be fun anyway."
Lucy "are you sure about that?" Lucy smirked.
Sam backed away and nodded
Lucy giggled.
James"shall we head through the portAl?"
We nodded and we all jump through portal but Lucy slipped through the portal.
Lucy said "really? Did I have to slipped through a portal?"
Lucy stands up.
Lucy uses her human glamor. (lucy looks like this in her glamor)

 (lucy looks like this in her glamor)

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Lucy looks at herself.
Lucy merely smiled and tapped on Erik and wisphers"you can look now, my prince."Erik touch her arm and nodded
Erik turned around.
Erik says" shall we, go? Brothers?" Erik looks at Lucy and tilts her head.
Erik"well how About? That house, the grandfather Anderson said we can go here, I'm going to bust through window with my brothers how about you lucy?"
Lucy says" no, you'll get hurt you idiot. I don't like seeing you hurt!"
Erik laughs and says "I'll be fine don't worry luce."
Lucy bites lip and her smile bitter and her eyes are worried saying "are you sure about it?"
Erik nods
Lucy sighed worried.
Lucy goes through the door quietly and pretends to be knocked out with the brothers knocks out.
Mikas POV.
MiKa" who are you guys?!"
Nobody was answering mika
Mika shouts" who the hell are you guys?! Why are you here?!"
Sam gets up and kissed mika and Lucy gets up and stands up.
James gets up "sam, stop it." Sam stops kissing mika
Lucy slaps her head
Erik said "Sam your, a reckless brute, taking advantage of a woman like her."
Sam and Erik fight
Lucy says "ahem."
Erik chuckles akwardly and stands next to me.
James "where's our matters im james these are my btothers, sam, erik, matthew and damien. Lucy"
Mika fainted
Sam said "shit, she fainted."
Lucy"well, since she fainted we, should bring her to the master room to get energy at, least."
Erik nodded.
James brought her to the room.
Lucy sat in the chair writing.
Erik start next to me, and said "what are you writing" Lucy closed book and said "oh, um, nothin."
Sam walked next to Lucy and Lucy looked at sam confused.
Sam "are, you hiding it again?"
Lucy shake her head.
Sam grabbed Lucy to the room and she asked "why, are we here Sam?"
Sam said " I've never said this, but you're very pretty."
Lucy blushed and said "I've never ever said, this either. But i, think y-youre very, handsome."
Sam blushed  and grunted and said "thanks lucy"
Lucy nodded.

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