meeting demons

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Lucy looks around the town in the demon world and she stands in the demon world stunned because, she saw the first demon, she tries to run but trips and sits up, and looks scared, luck says " dont, come near me!, what do you want, from, me?! I'll do anything!"
The demon touches her cheek and Lucy  freezes.
Demon says" I'm not going to hurt you, I'm Sam I have brothers... we're not, going to hurt, you."
Lucy looks shooked, and the demon extended a hand, Lucy takes her hand to his,  and sam lifts me up, lucy, silent her mouth and sees the other demons and her eyes widen.
Lucy says"wh-wha?"
The brothers laughed.
Lucy tilted her head confused.

Sam pats lucys head and say" these are my brothers, ugh

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Sam pats lucys head and say" these are my brothers, ugh."
James"sam, that's not nice, miss let me introduce myself, I'm james, these are my brothers sam you, already have met, Erik, matthew, damien."
James bows
Lucy rolls her eyes uncomfortably.
Erik"well, what's your lovely name, princess?"
Matthew"yeah!, what's your name? It must be a nice name!"
Lucy laughs akwardly and says"well, it's not really cool name, anyway but I'll say it, anyway my name is, lucy. So, yeahh."
The brothers laugh cutely except sam of course.
James'its, nice to know your name."
Lucy nodded and Erik said"what, a lovely name for a princess!"
Lucy rolled her eyes at Erik comment.
Sam said"could, you quit. Bring the flirty boy with that sick up act?"
Erik"your, just being rude sam."
Sam said"psh! Whatever."
Lucy smirked.
The boys raised an eyebrow
Lucy raised her head and said "it's nothing!, nothing."
Sam laughed and said "really, nothing?, huh?"
Lucy nodded neverously.
Erik chuckled and said "are, you sure princess?"
Lucy said"mhm!"
James: damien read, her, mind."
Lucy eyes widen scared.
Damien reads lucys mind.
Lucy opened her mouth in shock.
Damien said " will you tell us now? Or should i"
Lucy stuttered and sighed.
Sam crossed his arms.
Lucy said"okay, okay I'll tell you okay?"
They nodded while I talked "well, recently I've been worried about my parents, nesscarily because of someone to kill them no good reason..I'm scared, that they might...might.."
Lucy tears up
Erik comforts Lucy and hugs her
Lucy says in tears"die... what if?! They do?! I cant!!"
Erik rubs lucys back.
Lucy wipes tears and says "thanks erik. I feel better, now thanks."
Boys giggled.
Lucys eyes looked in the direction.
Lucy says in a soft voice"erik, I think I might get angry"
Erik patted my head softly
Erik chuckled softly and carries me to my room with a grin
Lucy looks shooked, and tries to escape but Erik placed Lucy on the bed
Lucy says" what's with the grin?! And why did you carried me?
Erik why? Did you?!"
Erik touches my cheek and kisses my cheek.
Lucy eyes widen while she flushed.
Erik laughed

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