Chapter 2: The Crew

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Chapter 2:

    It took us three more days to unpack everything in the house. The house was spacious for the both of us.

    "Your going to school tomorrow." My mom said taking a bite of her pizza. I moaned into my own slice.

    "No. Just leave me here to die." I said dramatically. She chuckled.

    "You need to make some friends around here."

    "But I'm bad at doing that." I responded. She gave me the don't-give-me-that-bull-shit look. I raised my hands in defense.

    "Sorry." I picked up my plate and put it in the dish washer. "I'm going to bed." I said. I took a shower then walked to my room and went to bed. I already had my pajamas on from being lazy all day. I sat on twitter for a while until I got sleepy.

    "She's reported to be in Diable." Said a voice in the shadows. I opened my eyes to meet more blackness. My body lay on a warm flat floor, I slowly and quietly stood up.

    Where am I? Is this a dream?

    "Good, good, Mandy stuck to the plan." Said a second voice talking about my mom, the voice was scary and deep. The room was so dark I couldn't see anything. Two silhouettes started to form in the blackness. One was small and slender, a man. The second one was huge. Two objects protruded out of his back that were each the same size as himself. He had a staff with a long sharp end set up next to his throne that he was sitting on.

    "She's going to school with the rest of them and her birthday is coming up in a month." The slender man sounded as if he was reading off a list. The larger one held up a hand.

    "Someone is listening to us," I sucked in a breath. The large man stood up. I covered my mouth to stop a gasp. The two large objects on his back are wings, large wings. They expanded larger than his whole body. His face and body were covered by a black hooded robe. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out in fear.

    "I don't here anybody sir." The small boy said.

    "Shut up!" The large man-thing bellowed. A hand suddenly covered my mouth. It pulled my back into a body. I bit down on the hand, but it didn't budge. The person dragged us on the ground. Tears escaped my eyes from fear. I tried to wiggle away but the person only held me closer. I faced the person that was practically hugging me. It was a boy my age, all I could see where his bright green eyes. He took the chance to take his hand off my mouth and held his index finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet. I obeyed as the large monster came closer.

    Wake up, Wake up, Wake up.

    Wake up, Wake up, Wake up.

   I shot out up out of the nightmare. I felt around making sure I was really home. I sighed in relief as I felt the familiar feel of my old teddy bear. I collapsed back on the mattress. I released a shaky breath.

    Was that really a dream? It was so real. Where was I?

    I looked around to see the early morning sun start to come through the curtains. I looked at my alarm clock to see I had 15 minutes until I had to wake up. I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. I need to get all this sweat off myself. The warm water washed my sticky skin. After I washed my hair I stepped out of the shower and blow dried it. I threw on my high waisted shorts, a black crop top, a red and black flannel, and black high tops.

    "Scarlet, breakfast!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. I sighed.

    "One minute!" I quickly patted on some settle makeup and grabbed my messenger bag with my small collection of pins stuck on to it. I walked into the kitchen to see a small stack of pancakes set on the table. I sat down as my mom walked towards me. She kissed my forehead.

    "Bye honey, your school is three blocks down near Main Street. Have a nice day at school." She left the house with a slam of the door and the roar of the engine.

    "Wow, thanks mom. Leave me to get kidnapped as I search for the school on my own." I muttered into my fork full of pancakes. I quickly gulped down the food, brushed my teeth and left.

    The school wasn't that hard to find, it's a little bit bigger than I thought there would be. I walked up to the court yard full of kids. Kids who ranged from first grade to seniors filled the grassy field. I passed groups of kids and they silenced. I looked behind me when I reached the double doors to see 200 pairs on me. I shivered as I entered the school. I opened the door to the office to see a familiar brown haired girl.

    "Aww come on l Mrs. Jones just one peice. Please." She whined to the older looking woman at the front desk.

    "Fine just one, Peyton." She looked behind her to see me standing in the door way.

    "You must be Scarlet Feilds." She said as I messed with the strap on my bag.

    "Uh, yah." I mumbled as Peyton spun around and her face lit up.

    "Hi Scarlet." She said.

    "Hi." I said awkwardly.

    "So you two know each other." The older woman said looking under her desk.

    "Yah, she was shopping at the shop." Said Peyton. The woman plopped a stack of text books and papers on the table.

   "Good, Peyton you could show her around." She said looking at both of us. Peyton shrugged in response.

   "Okay, so here is your textbooks, your schedule, your locker number, and combination." The woman said handing them to me.

    "Let me see." Peyton said grabbing my schedule.

    "You have all your classes with the crew."

    "The crew?" I asked.

    "Well yah, my group of friends. Our school is so small that freshman and sophomores share classes and so do Juniors and Seniors. We only have 20 seniors this year, including you of course. So, we have 20 minutes to kill until the warming bell rings do you wanna come meet the crew?" Peyton said.

    "Sure." I said. She walked out the door and I fallowed while waddling around with my textbooks. She walked towards a group of people sitting under a large tree. Everyone looked at Peyton walking towards them.

    "Hey Peyton, who's this?" A pretty girl with light brown hair said her gray eyes staring at me. Sitting next to her was a girl who looked just like her, the only difference was that she had blond hair.

    "D.P this is Scarlet. Scarlet this is the crew." I waved the best I could with my hands filled with books.

    "You can sit next to me." Said a boy with black hair and blue eyes, he was cute, but not my type.

    "Shut up Carson." The blond girl said sitting next to D.P.

    "What she's hot. If a hot boy came you wouldn't have a problem with him sitting next to you Cola." He shot back. She rolled her eyes in response.  

   "She's older than you Carson." Peyton Said.

   "I'm Penny." Said a small girl sitting next to a familiar little boy, Mickey. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes.

   "You two need to head to class." Said Cola.

   "Okay, come on Penny." Said Mickey getting up and holding out a hand to Penny offering her help to stand up. She took it and they raced towards the front door.

   "Penny, D.P, Cola, and Carson are brother and siaters. D.P and Cola are twins." Peyton explained.

"Mickey, Dixie, and I are also siblings." She continued. I looked around.

    "Who's Dixie." I asked.

    "She's sick today, you'll meet her tomorrow." Carson said. I nodded.

    "Oh! There's also Griffin but I haven't seen him today yet." Cola exclaimed.

   "He texted me that he'll be here at lunch." Said Carson. Peyton looked down at her gold watch.

   "Let's get to class. Follow me Scarlet, we have first period together."



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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