New members <3

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Me: guess what everyone?!

Everyone else: WHAT?!

Me: we're getting new members! REEEEE!

Bijuumike: well, who are the new members?

Me:you'll see, Cmon guys, don't be shy ☺️ 

*Gir enters the room to see pizza on the table*


Domain: well, someone's happy 😃 

*blameitonjorge walks in the room and grabs a slice of pizza*

Jorge: love the hospitality of this place :3

Mark: thanks, we made sure that anybody who joins feel welcome here.

*Gaz drags herself into the room*

Gaz: are there any video games here?

Me: yep <3 *gives Gaz a Nintendo switch*

Gaz: thanks!

*phantomstrider enters happily*

Strider: Howdy!

Ghoul_bois: EEEEEEEE!

Me: it doesn't end there!

Will: what do you mean it doesn't end there?!

Zim: greetings fellow humans, I, the almighty Zim, will do what he can do to dominate this truth or dare! * evilly laughs*

Strider: well this is nice ;3

Zim: if y'all want to assist me on my mission, you can!

???: I don't think you're going anywhere this time, you alien!

*everyone turns around to see Dib standing at the door*

Zim: and why is that, Dib-stink?!

Dib: because you're gonna meet your worst nightmare, me! (Get the reference?)

Me: now, this is what I call a truth or dare.

Skychrew: and why is that, my dude?

Me: because, everyone's here!

*Rick and Morty pop in*

Rick: and what about us?!

Me: ok, I'll add Rick and Morty too.

Morty: oh dear.

Rick: relax Morty, it'll be fun!

Me: ok, now the entire gangs here, for now.

Felix: send in your questions and dares plz, thanks <3

Everyone: PEACE OUT!!!!

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