Werewolf in the house (short story)

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Narrators POV:

Savannah and domain were hiding in Savannah's room because Will caught bijuumike and domain while they were doing a question. Now it's been a little while since that happened, but they were still afraid of heading out. "This is definitely the one where we took things too far." Domain said. "Ikr." Savannah replied. They've been stuck in Savannah's room for 4 hours. And Savannah was feeling hungry. "Domain." Savannah Said. "When you ran to my room,did you remember to bring supplies, just in case it's gonna take all night for Will to calm down?" "No, I was so worried." Domain answered. "Well let's split up and get the supplies." Savannah Said. "I'll look for food, while you look for blankets and flashlights."

Domains POV:

I agreed with Savannah that we would split up and get the supplies. I then proceeded to get the blankets, which are in the basement, which is pretty easy because the flashlights are on the dryer. I then went upstairs to get my bag, since I forgot to get that too. When suddenly mark came and looked pale. "We need to get to the hideout." Mark Said. He then grabbed my hand and took me to a storm shelter, which is where I saw everyone else. Everyone that is, except for Will. "Everyone else must've been afraid as me and Savannah are." I thought to myself. "Where were you the whole time?" Dawko asked. He was shaking in fear. "I was with Savannah in her room, she boarded her bedroom door so Will could not get in." I answered. "And where is Savannah?!" Jack asked with shock. "She went to get food, which most of it is in the kitchen." I answered. "Well, now that you told us, things in there are gonna get nasty!!!!" Razz Said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "We'll show you." Skychrew Said. "But we're gonna have to be careful, since we don't wanna die." So we all proceeded to get out of the shelter quietly. "I hope she's alright." I heard Emily kitty say.

Savannah's POV:

I looked around the kitchen and I got macaroons, Doritos, cereal, water bottles, candy, jam, etc. I then walked my way back to my room when I heard growling from behind me. I looked around to see a wolf bigger than any other wolf. It had blue eyes, black fur, but with purple on the top of its head and the tip of its tail, front paws that looked a bit similar to hands, and it was standing on its hind legs. Then I figured out who it is, it's Will. "H-hi Will." I Said nervously. "I'm just getting food for me and Domain to have until this is over..." Will looked at me and growled at me. "He must still be mad of what happened yesterday." I thought to myself. Will then scratched me across the face. I was in so much pain that I fell. I held the scar and stayed still. I was in so much fear, but I unfroze when I heard whimpering. I looked at Will and he looked at me with sad blue eyes, did he thought I was mad at him? I then took my hand off the scar and walked slowly to Will, not knowing what he would do next. I successfully placed my hand onto Will's head, and he looked up at me with sad blue eyes. "Hey Will." I Said. "I'm not mad at you because I know what you've been through in the past. And it was me and Domain's fault that this happened tonight, so do you forgive us?" Will responded by panting. "So I guess that's a yes." I Said as I then scratched behind his ear. Will responded by wagging his tail. "Oh, so you're just like a giant puppy." I thought aloud. Will then turned around showing his stomach. I hovered my hand not sure what would happen. I then scratched his stomach and Will responded by twitching his foot and his tongue out. I let out a small smile. That's when we heard the door open and saw Domain running at me and hugged me. I could see her hands are trembling. "Savannah, I was so worried about you are you ok?" Domain asked nervously. "Yep, I'm fine." I answered. "Savannah, your face." Domain pointed out. "Yeah, it doesn't hurt." I Said. I looked at domain as she looked pale. I could tell why. Will was right in front of her, Domain then pulled out a kitchen knife and pointed it at Will. "Domain, chill." I Said. "How could I chill?! There's a werewolf in the house!" Domain exclaimed. "That was the feeling I had when I saw him." I Said. We then turned around to see Will whimpering again. I petted him because he knew what he has done to the both of us. "Shh, it's ok." I Said. Domain then walked slowly and placed her hand on his head. Will came up to Domain and licked her. "Oh gross." Domain laughed. "But cute." We then heard the front door open and Will let out a growl. We heard the kitchen door open and saw Yukki, one of my acquaintances on Instagram, brainy smurf and scrappy doo. "And just what are you 3 doing here?" I asked. "I'm here to protect razzpai. 💜💜💜" Yukki Said. "So where is he?!" "Not telling ya!" Domain answered. "Tell me where he is now!!!" Yukki demanded. Will then scratched Yukki in the face. Yukki runs away. "Oh! You wanna fight me?! FIGHT ME!!!" Scrappy shouted. "Not on our watch!" We heard phantom strider said. We then saw vailskibum94 as he brings in a catapult, and blameitonjorge as he carries brainy and scrappy and put them in the catapult. "FIRE!" Strider shouted. Vailskibum94 and blameitonjorge let go of the catapult and brainy and scrappy fly into the air. "CURSE YOU CARTOON POLICE!!" Brainy shouted. The 3 youtubers then got into their police car and drove off. "Well, tonight was a crazy night." I Said. "Sure was." Domain Said. 

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